Friday, November 13, 2009

Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks

I am happy to be a part of Quiltmaker Magazine's Special Interest Publication (hits the newsstands Nov. 17) and, of course, to be a part of the blog tour:

Wow! 100 Blocks! And you can WIN A FREE COPY!
Here is the block that I designed for the issue:

Of course, I had to do something with applique, because I just can't seem to stop drawing...
I have to say, I spent way too much time on this blog post.... I thought I'd just show one or 2 ways that the block could be used in a quilt, but then I was on a roll and I just couldn't stop.... so here are a few of the ideas that I came up with.

You could just make one block with the applique, add a couple of pieced blocks, and make a quick wall hanging: (exhibit A) You could use your single applique block for the center and build a whole quilt around it: (Exhibit B)This is the same exact quilt, done with different fabrics- a totally different look: (Exhibit C) Of course, you could make several blocks and put them together just about any way you choose: (Exhibit D)

(Exhibit E):
Same quilt as above but with a more complicated block (Exhibit F):
(Exhibit G):
Your fabric choices could be soft and subtle: (Exhibit H)Or a little wild and wacky: (Exhibit I)

So you can see I got a little carried away.... But this is what I really love about quilting- you can NEVER ever run out of ideas.... Just one block.... a million possibilities.... and with today's choices in fabric.... (please excuse me while I hyperventilate just a little bit)...

BTW I did all of the above quilts with my EQ6 program- I am totally addicted! (And it's not like I needed another "habit", what with my affinities for chocolate, diet Pepsi, Jane Austen movies, British Country Living magazine, fabric, fabric, oh and fabric... really, need I go on??) I can "make" a whole quilt in about an hour, and never get stiff shoulders or sore fingers!
To WIN your very own copy of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, comment on which above quilt design you like the best. I will pick 2 winners at random 8 pm EST Sunday November 15.
Good Luck!


  1. I prefer Exhibit D due to the constrast of dark to light blocks. OBTW, Congrats on being 1 of 100!


  2. Well, I first liked A but then I saw B and liked it and then there was C and D and I just can't pick a favorite. They are all great! I can't wait until the magazine comes out. Your block turned out great!

  3. I love "B", the earth tone colors are my favorite, then I scrolled down and found "I". this one would be one to do when a change of pace is neeeded to refresh the brain pallette.

  4. my favorite is the second part with the block in the middle and three blocks below the flower.

  5. They are all great! But a little bit more I prefer F.

  6. Love them all! But since I love to do star quilts, I'd pick D which has the block as the center of a star. I would probably do that setting but with batiks and coordinating fabrics. Like you said, you can never have too much fabric. The quilter who dies with the most fabric wins! And I'm on my way!!

  7. I liked them all, but to choose one it would be Exhibit A. I will pick up the magazine when I visit my quilt shop on Mon. It is a "must have". Thank you

  8. I would do the layout of D in the bright colors of I. I think that D really plays up the block, making the applique the focal point. This magazine is going to be a great resource. I can hardly wait. Have spent way too much time hopping the blocks this week, but it has been really fun.

  9. Thanks for this giveaway !
    I'm about to begin my 1st quilt and I chose to make something simple(I hope) with applique since is the technique that captures me :-D.
    Love your block !
    I love exhibit B and C .... more inclined to B !

  10. Love the block. What fun to be chosen

  11. Exhibit "F" for me, please. I love that you showed us variations of your block. How does it feel to be in the top 100?
    Thnak you!

  12. SueB said

    I love all of your designs. I also love playing with my EQ 6.

  13. Hi! Congratulations on being in this special publication. I really enjoyed looking through your blog. Thanks for sharing some possiblities in using your design. I like A--you could make the bottom as pockets and use it in the your special work space.

  14. I really like your block. i like exhibit B and I the best. Kind of two extremes but my daughter would like exhibit I.

  15. I like exhibit A - Cute little wall hanging.

  16. I like A and D the best. Reds are my favorite and I like how the layout makes the flower pop out. The shades in D look beautiful together.


  17. My Fav's are D and G cause they were the ones that talked to me

  18. I like Exhibit A, the wallhanging. But it was hard to choose, because they're all really nice!

  19. I love Exhibit G!!!

    I was just telling SO I have to get this magazine, then I'm going to end up with 4, 25 block sampler quilts lol!

  20. WOW, thanks for all the setting ideas, and letting us see the blocks in so many colour ways!

  21. Congrats! I make a lot of kids items so Exhibit I caught my eye. Nice and bright. That computer program is awesome!

  22. I love F and G. They are gorgeous. Your original block is amazing too. Love the colors. Thanks for the chance to win and for making such a gorgeous block.

  23. They are all really neat! What a great program! I have to say that E is my favorite though! Congrats!

  24. I like Exhibit A. It may be the colors that drew me to it but it is lovely. I too am a fan of Jane Austen movies, books, etc.

  25. Exhibit A is my favorite! I like the color combination. I have to tell you that I will NEVER purchase the EQ program. Do you know why? Because I would never leave my computer seat - I would have my children bring me chocolate and a remote to the radio, I would ask my husband to move our bed down to the computer room so that I could kiss him goodnight and I would have to knock down one of the walls to put in a new bathroom. OMGosh - how addictive it must be!! LOL! I spend entirely too much time now on the computer blog hopping and dreaming! Maybe a EQ support group will pop up soon?!

  26. I love the block and all the various designs. I really like E. it gives your block some "stand out" and yet forms some secondary designs.

  27. I love your block! Thanks for showing all of the examples. I think G is my favorite.

  28. G is the one for me! I love your designs and always enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for the time that you put into it!


  29. um uhm uhm ... exhibit F, your Honor!

    i gotta get me an EQ6!

  30. I love how you built entire quilts around the one block! I just got EQ6 and it IS very addicting!!

  31. Great block and quilt variations. I, too, use EQ6 and have fun playing with it. If I had to pick a favorite, it would be "A" right now, but that could change.

  32. Congrats on being in the magazine. I'd pick Exhibit D. I like the subtlety and the star that appears in the background - and the applique on black. Thanks for the chance.

  33. My favorite is D, you have been busy playing, but it opened my eyes on to how one block could make a quilt look so different.

  34. Congratulations! I like Exhibit G and Exhibit I. You did a great job doing all of the mock-ups.

  35. I really like exhibit A the best. Congrats on being included in the magazine!
    Laura T

  36. I love love love the wall hanging, exhibit A! Thank you for putting your block into 'quilt perspective'. Just beautiful...

    Now I'm going to go and spend some time in your blogland!

  37. Oh my goodness these are all so beautiful! How do you pick just two?? Hum, well I like B and F, but they are all so lovely. Congrats on being featured in the new magazine!

  38. *I already won a magazine
    Just wanted to comment on the beautiful applique block you drew, I love it and all the fabric color combinations were very helpful

  39. I loved B and D most, although I thought they were all great.

  40. Love your block. Of course, I'm draw to the red one.

    I'm excited about the giveaway also. They are much fun.

  41. I love Exhibit I, because the colors are so cheerful. Thanks for sharing in the fun.

  42. I lkie Quilt B looks like something I would make.

  43. I like D because it makes the flower the focal point and F because I like the fabrics used. Amazing how one block can be used so many different ways!

  44. I'll vote for Exhibit G. Liked them all though! Thanks for the chance to win.


  45. I really enjoyed your blog. My favorite patterns are Exhibit D & G. Love the color combinations and the simplicity of the block.

  46. Hello totally talented person! How can I pic just two? They're all just fabulous, but okay, if picking two will help me win that magazine, and I need to win it - okay, my real favs are Exhibits "B" and "F".

    Love your blog, too! From another Sister in Christ,


    P.S. Where's the spot to leave my email addy so you can tell me I've won?!

  47. I love all the quilts with the block. I think I'd do either a wall hanging or a quilt that used that as a center block and then make a throw pillow with that and one with another block from the quilt. I love how it' simply pieced in addition to applique!

  48. I like Exhibit I the best. I love the bright colors.

  49. I really like this block. Can be used in so many projects :) I really have to look for this magazine, if it ever comes to norway

  50. I love exhibit G. The color is subtle and the flowers look like they are swaying.
    Thanks for sharing your blog with us.
    I loved reading about your adventure with the pumpkins.

  51. Wow, wonderful ideas for just one block. Hard to pick a favorite but it just shows how many different ways to set a block or several blocks.

  52. I love Exhibit A! What a wonderful idea to showcase a fantastic block in that way! It sure gets the creative juices flowing to see them all in different settings!

  53. My favorite is the first example, the wallhanging with additional pieced blocks. I think it showcases the lovely applique.

  54. I love your block! I love Exhibits A and C--if I could choose only one, it would be C. I love the colors in C the most! I hope I am lucky enough to win a magazine! Thanks so much.

  55. My favorites are G and I, but I liked them all!

  56. Congrats!! Much deserved. Love the brown and sage.

  57. I really like the Wild and Wacky one-Exhibit 1.
    It is "happy". I almost always work in darks and this is refreshing. Great work- I can't wait for the book.

  58. I am in love with exhibit B. I never thought of making it the center. I want to make that pattern.
    I have never been interested in EQ, but you made me pause and rethink.
    like you I have so many blogs I follow, I never get time to comment on all of them. Now Quiltmaker 100 is introducing me to 100 MORE?????
    and I think I love them all.
    congrats on this great honor. I love your blog. I may have to subscribe.

  59. I love Exhibit G..........brown isn't a color but is my favorite. D'Ann

  60. I like exhibit A the best. Overall, it is just a very cute block!

  61. You mean I have to choose between quilts????? well, exhibit F is probably my favorite but......

  62. I really loved Exhibit D. The contrast and colors of the blocks really stand out.

    Congratulations on your block being in the book!

    Mel Meister
    Deltona, Florida

  63. Exhibit B and I. I love the colours in both quilts - they are all so lovely.well done

  64. Wow, all of those ideas from one block- makes my head spin. Also makes me wish that there were more than 24 hours in a much fabric.... Thanks for a chance to win- I keep trying ;-) A is my favorite.

  65. How fun to see your block in all the settings! EQ is great! Loved your block too!

  66. I looooove the last one in the bright colours, so cheerful

  67. I really like your block and all of the great example quilts you showed us.

  68. I forgot to tell you that I like Exhibit G. Thank you.

  69. I like exhibit B the most. Simple yet effective.

  70. I really like exhibit F. I also have EQ6 and agree it is addictive! Great block.

  71. I like all my friends for different reasons. Same with your virtual quilts. But, in the end, I'm "wild and wacky"!

  72. I really like a little wild & wacky! Congrats for being in the 100 group.

  73. Congrats on the magazine Jacquelynne! Your designs are awesome as always! :)

  74. All are great!
    this magazine will be great.I pick D

  75. Jacquelynne
    I really like exhibit F.
    I like the pieced block you added with your applique block.

  76. I love "Exhibit I"! It's bright and cherry! Thanks for showing us all the different ways!

  77. What a great idea to show so many ways to use the block. I really like all of them, but I think G is my favorite.

  78. Exhibit B is my fav. Thanks for being a part of this blog tour!

  79. Wow! I absolutely love how you showed so many uses for the block you created! Thanks.

  80. Wow, Jacquelynne, Congratulations on being featured in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks issue. I love how you showed so many variations for using this block. I am only just now checking out the blocks in the tour and I stopped here first when I saw your name on the list!

  81. 83 comments? That's just wild Jackie! We really have some quilters out there in blog land don't we?

    Congratulations on your publication, I will buy it when it comes out this week just because you are in it!!!!!


  82. I really like the things you did with the various settings! Great possibilities all around!

    Diane, an editor at Quiltmaker

  83. I love Exhibit A!! It's simple enough for a beginner!
    Thank you for sharing these fabulous ideas!!
