Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Block 3 Done!

Can you believe it? Moving right along with this project, I'm still on schedule- but it's hard to believe how fast a month goes by! I just finished this last night, and I expect that block 4 will arrive in the mail any day now.... BTW this BOM is called Settler's Pride by Maggie Bonanomi. See Block 1 and Block 2.
Also, we've been working on making yo-yo's for pins. I managed to get my kids to help out a little, cutting out the circles, and I got my 83 year old grandma to sew some for me. But there's still lots to do.... I had planned on making hundreds of pins this month, but the month is gone without much work to show for it. Oh well. I never seem to get anything done during the month of December, despite my best intentions. Come to think of it, I recall that last year around this time I had decided that this year I would just plan on taking December off. OK so reminder to self- take next December off! Because I probably won't accomplish anything anyway!

I have already done my calendar for next year. During the last week of every year, I get out my new calendars (one is the wall calendar, so I can see the whole month, and one is my planner, where I can write the details) and fill it in with holidays, birthdays, school schedules, filing deadlines, monthly pet medication reminders, doctor and dentist reminders, etc. It takes me a few hours to do this. But if I don't, the household will grind to a halt by the third week of January, so it's got to be done. And as Household Operations Manager (hey, it's a lot of work, I think I deserve a title, even if it does not include a salary), that responsibility falls on me. But it feels really good to be organized, even just a little bit. It is a good way to start off the new year. And maybe, right now, while I am planning out my year, I should just block out the entire month of December with a big black marker......


  1. What a great idea, I have the long weekend, so maybe I will do the same and get a bit more organized.
    I also agree about the title, another good idea.
    Happy New Year to you.
