Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We lost our dear, dear Daisy on Tuesday morning. As I write this, it has been less than 24 hours since she left us.

Saturday was a normal day for us. It was nice weather, we sat on the porch, Daisy with us, as usual. We did some work around the house, and as usual, Daisy followed, settling in in whichever room we were in. In the evening, we watched a movie, me on the couch with Daisy tucked under my arm, every now and again looking into my eyes with her brown eyes, and then putting her chin down with a contented sigh.
Sunday morning, when we awoke, she went out side but when she came in, she looked weak, she wouldn't eat her favorite food and I knew she was not well. Based on her serious health problems last fall, I took her to the animal hospital. They admitted her and she didn't seem too bad. But by evening, she had taken a downward turn. Over the next 2 days, we spared no expense and the doctors did everything they could. But she could not be saved. I will not get into the very difficult details of her last hour.

We are devastated. We never expected to lose her so quickly. Grief tears at me, threatens to pull me into a thousand pieces. I can't think, I can't sleep, I can't eat. Only think of her. I don't know when I will post again- there is no color in my world, and while I go through the motions, all I can think is, why bother? I don't think I will ever have a dog again. I cannot bear to give my heart away again. Over the next couple of days, I will sort through some of her things and take them to the animal shelter where they can be put to good use. I will try to get back to normal, but nothing will ever be the same again. I know that there will be good and joy again, but right now, I can not see it. My heart is too broken.....

We buried her last night in the field in front of our house. She loved being outside, loping around the fields, patrolling her yard, sniffing at everything like it was brand new even though she had sniffed it a thousand times before. Everyday was an adventure for her, and our 2 acres was her little kingdom. She was our princess. She is forever in our hearts. I don't know how I will bear the days without her. I just can't believe that she is gone. I feel like she has taken my heart with her.

 Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.
I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him."
Lamentations 3:22-24


  1. My heart breaks for you, losing a pet is so hard, Hugs.

  2. oh Jacquelynne...I am so sorry for your loss. (((hugs))) I am praying that God will comfort you and help you through this difficult and sad time.

  3. Oh Jacquelynne, I KNOW your pain!! We were there in April with our 14 yr old Husky/Shepard, Abby. She wasn't our dog, she was a viable, loving, giving, personable, important member of our family! It tore our hearts out too to have her gone:) I think God gives us pets to show us what real, unconditional love is, to teach us how to give it AND receive it. I know how much it hurts now...and I won't gloss over the healing process because it is hard and takes time. I know how you hurt so much you can't bear to think about going thru this ever again. We, too, made that decision....not to have another dog. We chose to honor Abby with a beautiful flowering bush planted over her grave in our backyard, down where she loved to run and catch small mice. At least you were brave enough to blog about it...I couldn't even do that! This is something you will just have to go thru, day to day, and it's okay to grieve for her, however long it takes. It will get better ....just hang in there and take care of yourself!

  4. Jacquelynne: I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of yourself. Tricia

  5. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I too have lost a pet that was part of my family and you never forget but it does get easier with the passing of time.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. The only thing that really helps is time. And in time you may feel you can love another little heart-buddy - after 2 years I did. (And there are so many out there that need someone to love them.) But for now, take care - and cherish the good memories.

  7. Oh Jackie,

    I have no words, I know how you loved her. It's all so so sad. :(

    I will pray for you and your family for comfort~♥

    Love you bunches,

  8. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard this is. I had a sweet Airedale that was my companion, and I have never been able to have another dog since we lost her. It is so heart wrenching. Take care. And may the Lord bring peace and comfort to your heart. He cares for you and for your little friend, and in that we need to find our comfort.

  9. So sorry to hear you lost your precious Daisy. She looks such a happy dog, it obvious that she had a wonderful life with you.
    Thinking of you and sending a hug.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about Daisy. It was so evident how much you loved her so and she knew it. Take it day by day and time will heal the heart. You have too much love to give not to someday think about another dog. I'm sure there are other dogs just dreaming of the chance to have an owner like you! Take care!

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. I cried just reading your post. I have a devoted and beloved pet, too. I can not imagine being without him. God Bless! Polly

  12. I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart was touched as I read your post because we too have a much loved dog, Ellie.
    God's love is healing and his hand is mighty!
    I will be praying for you my friend!

  13. Dear Jacquelynne, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I unexpectedly lost my golden retriever at the end of June. It was very quick and I am still in pain. I still hear him walking around and still look for him when I open the door. I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I have decided that I cannot get another dog. My heart has been broken twice in two years and I don't think I can bear it again. If you need a listening ear please email me. God Bless!

  14. So very sorry to read about your Daisy. Our pets are our everything and a member of the family. We lost a beloved lab named Bear in the summer of 2002. We have had dogs all but 3 years of our 42 years of marriage. We said the same more. But in the spring of 03 we got our Barney, the beagle. We now have a standard poodle, Jack, also. It is devastating and you will mourn, but if you have always had a "pup" to love, I betcha you adopt another! Best wishes and hugs.

  15. Jacquelynne, take your time. Grieving is healthy. You know we serve a merciful God.

    Your scripture from Lamentations is such a good one to hang onto.

    I'm praying.
    Love Judy

  16. So very sorry for your loss.


  17. I am so very sorry. I've been there too. It is amazing how deeply we come to feel for these constant companions....I guess that is a clue!
    Our dogs often spend more time with us than our human families.

    I see from today's (9/2) post that you are beginning to look ahead. Good for you! Congrats on the book deal!!! How awesome that must be.

    I will continue to pray for you and hope that you all have a wonderful time at Hershey Park. It is such a wonderful park.

    Becky K.

  18. Jacquelynne, I am so so sorry for your family. Reading about Daisy's last day with you sounds SO much like our Roscoe's last day. We spared no expense and it was so very difficult to say goodbye.

    Hugs and continued prayers.
