Monday, August 23, 2010

More England Photos

A few more miscellaneous photos from our recent trip to England.
Cows with character in the Devon countryside.
A friendly and curious pup in a window in the town of Bath (the same Bath where Jane Austen went on holiday. I liked walking on the same streets where she would have walked.)
Storefront in Launceston full of lovelies. (Note to self: next time, bring 2 or 3 empty suitcases on trip.)

We visited a natural history museum in Oxford (I don't remember the name of it- probably something really clever like Oxford Museum of Natural History.)
This photo entitled: 2 Foxes.

That's it for now. Let me know if you are getting tired of vacation photos yet. I'd hate to be like Uncle Milton, boring everyone to death with vacation slides from his trip to see the world's largest ball of string (though I hear it's lovely this time of year in Cawker City, Kansas.)

1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful that you were able to visit England...that is one of our dreams.
    I like your "foxy" friend! :)
