Monday, September 13, 2010

Block 7

I think this is block 7 for the Block of the Month (Settler's Pride by Maggie Bonanomi). I have a few more blocks waiting for me to finish them up, and then the whole project will be DONE.
I think it will be a while before I get to work on the next couple of blocks. Oh, how I wish there were, like, 10 of me. Does anyone remember that movie with Michael Keaton, I think it was called Multiplicity, where he cloned himself so he could do everything he needed/wanted to.... but while the original clones worked out great, one of the clones cloned himself, so the copy of the copy was a little "fuzzy"....  I have to admit, some days I feel a little "fuzzy" myself.... so I can't imagine how "off" my clones might be...

If I could have a couple more of me, my house would be a lot cleaner, and all of my quilt samples would be sewn up just like "that", all of the paperwork would be done, and I'd go out to lunch with my friends a lot more often. Oh, and all of our meals would be home cooked and delicious, and I'd do all of the volunteer work at church that I'd like to, and daughter would have rides to and from school every day and never have to take the bus. And I would have time to design more quilts and fabric and I would paint, paint, paint. So how many clones does that make????

What would you do if you could have a few clones of yourself?? Best answer wins a prize!!!!
(I don't know what the prize is yet, because my clone still has to figure that out, but it will be good!)


  1. I love that movie wouldn't it be great! I would babysit the grands everyday,quilt more, cook more, quilt more, clean more, quilt more visit friends, quilt more, volunteer more at guild, did I say quilt more????

  2. I'd have a couple working in the garden, and another couple knitting all the things I want to make for the grandkids, one to clean the house and another one to cook (hope that's not a fuzzy one - I'm bad enough as it is). Oh, I need one to walk the dogs, too. Me? Oh, I'll read and sew ....

  3. oh yes! That movie is so funny LOL..just what my kids need many of me around hahaha!!

  4. I would read more, quilt more, learn something new like gourmet cooking, and become more organized! I would volunteer more and exercise more...Oh the things I could do!

  5. If I had a clone, I'd have soem to do housework, or course, some to do my sewing, and then I'd have some working on some kind of invention that would keep me rich for life. It doesn't even have to be high tech-- can you imagine what the inventor of the Snuggie is making?!?!

  6. Well for sure I'd have the clones doing all the work while I did all the fun stuff! blessings, marlene

  7. My clone would craft!

    I can get the housework and cooking done while watching the baby but crafting and spending time on the computer has pretty much dropped off.

    Even so, I still feel very blessed.

    Love you,

  8. With a clone, I would never have to suffer another cold, she would. I could spend more time with my mom, sister, brother, sons and friends. I would have time to volunteer with literacy at the grade school, time to spend getting to know some very lonely seniors, time to research the history of quiltmaking and patterns in my hometown, time to join a gym and be there everyday and time to get more quilts made so I can give one to everyone I meet!

  9. It is kind of funny that you would write a post about having a clone or two or three. I started blogging so that I could motivate myself to finish projects. What has happened instead is my project list has gotten much longer, I found blogs that I love to read, I want to retire from my job so that I can sew, I would love to have my grandchildren stay here with me while my daughter works. I guess if I could have a clone to do the stuff that isn't fun. Oh, I guess what I should really do is figure out what God wants for my days first and be content to get the things done that I can in the time I am given. I enjoyed your post.

  10. I would need one for my garden really, on the other hand I also enjoy to see my garden a bit "wild" it looks also special. And I could use one for the cleaning which i really don't like. Still I learn more and more to do everything I do with joy and do just as much as I can day by day. So do I really want to have a clone? Yes and no....
    Thanks for sharing, it is a good point to think about!

  11. I would have clones finishing all those UFOs and quilting all the tops that are waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I would have another one making meals (healthy ones of low calorie) and of course there would be several exercising so that I could concentrate on doing what I want to do while eating right and losing weight.

  12. My house would be ALOT cleaner and I'd be making money hand over fist, doing the things I love so so much!
