Thursday, September 2, 2010

Looking Up... and a Big Announcement

I am getting back into a routine and back into the studio. Here is a little sneak peek of something I am working on (yes, a very, very little sneak peek, I know- I am just starting it so there's not a lot to show yet):
Here is the announcement part- the project will be included in my book which will be released through Kansas City Star in July 2011. I have LOTS and LOTS of work to do! AND my fabric (about 21 bolts worth) should be arriving any time. So I have a feeling I will be very busy in the coming weeks, which is a very good thing.

Thanks again for everyone's kindness regarding the loss of our darling Daisy. Some days are easier than others. I am still trying to just get used to the fact that she is not here, I still expect her to come running up to greet me when I pull into the driveway. I certainly miss her "help" in the studio. But I am so thankful that we have a kind and merciful God Who certainly knows our heartaches.

Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?
 When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.
 In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.
 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me. 
Psalm 56:8-11 King James Version

Have a good Labor Day weekend. Monday marks oldest daughter's 20th birthday, so there will be some festivities! Also, we are thinking of going to Hershey Park tomorrow, just a little diversion. Some chocolate sampling may be in order.....


  1. Congratulations! I love the colors you are working with!

  2. Jacquelynne: What exciting news! I'll definitely be looking for your book next summer. What fun! Have a great weekend! Tricia

  3. WooHoo! Welcome to the "family". The team at The Star is the best.

  4. Yea! Congratulations on the book!
    . . . & a trip to Hershey's. . . (read: a day surrounded by chocolate). . . sounds perfect!
    xo, Bren

  5. Congratulations Jacquelynne! I look forward to seeing MORE!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend plan, Happy Birthday to your daughter!
    And Congratulations on the book!! How exciting. You WILL be keeping busy! :)

  7. Wow! I knew you wanted to do a book but had no idea you had that on the table along with everything else! You really are a go getter!
    When I buy mine I want a signed copy! :)
