Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January Palette (aka Color Geek Fun)

I like love color. I love playing with it, arranging it, re-arranging it, looking at it, studying it, memorizing it, sewing with it and painting with it. I like pulling colors out of photos and creating palettes. I am a Color Geek.

To see a couple of my "adventures" with color, you can read about my process for creating a palette from photos here and see what Color Geeks do for fun here.... if you dare....

We are covered in snow again and the sky seems a little gray, but even when things seem a little blah, there is color to be found:
 OK, it was easy to find a palette here, Mr. BlueJay was very helpful...
This one was a little more difficult:

I really wanted to get a pop of yellow in there, from the bird's beak, but the yellow in his beak is actually more of a muddy gold, and it just didn't "play well" with the other colors, though I tried and tried to make it work (I do not alter colors- it is my own little personal "rule" that I have to work with what is there). So I left out the yellow and went with warm grays and taupes found in the bird and snow:

I think this is my favorite- Mr. Woodpecker was very accommodating with his gorgeous red head and bits of blue in his wings... The snow also provided some nice light gray-blues:

If you are a fellow Color Geek, you might want to check out these sites:

Big Huge Labs
Color Hunter

 When things seem a little dreary, where do you find color?? I think if I get out of the house in the next day or 2, some fresh flowers from the supermarket might be in order to liven things up. And maybe we'll start putting out a few things for Valentine's Day, to get a little rosiness into our lives.
Have a colorful day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jacquelynne: I am a color geek, too! It's so dreary here in SW Missouri right now, but all I have to do to cheer myself is walk into my 5-year-old son's room and look at his Duplo blocks. Those little bits of bright red, yellow, green, and blue always seem to make me smile. Have a great day! Tricia

  3. hmmm... a color geek?
    Well, I am more of a birding geek so had to check out your photos! ;-) I do love your post!

    And what better place to find inspiration than in God's creation, yes? I love the colors you have gleaned from each photo. Just beautiful!

    I used to be somewhat of a "blue" person but since moving to the desert southwest, my preference has changed to "green." I miss the foliage of the mid-Atlantic; however, the desert has its own beauty, and nothing compares to sunrise/sunset at the foot of the Rockies!

    Have a wonderful day! ...Karen

  4. I have to say that when I am need a color punch, I go to a LQS that has 10,000 bolts of fabric. I can get filled up in a hurry ;-)

  5. I remember when you did this last year. I liked it then and now also.

    I can see how pulling the palettes out of the photos must be a real boon to your quilt designing.

    My blog entry this week is all about God's creation being my inspiration.
