Friday, January 21, 2011

A Little Color

Last week I told myself I would get a little color in the house. And then look what I found for only $3 a bunch at the local supermarket:
 It is amazing how adding some "living things" at this time of year can breathe new life into a room... a little bit of spring amongst the snow and ice and grayness of January. And normally, I can't wait to throw out the poinsettia's right after Christmas, but this is cute isn't it? I am still enjoying it.

Another cure for the January "blahs" is, of course, fabric. Preferably in lovely spring-y colors. I recently picked up these up for an upcoming project.

Below is a sneak peek of a table runner project for upcoming book:

When we were in England last summer, I picked up lots of ribbon and trims (I am, after all, a trim tramp and fabric floozy) . I got this ribbon, and want to use it in a project, but I need 2 more rolls. So, maybe another trip to England is in order, so I can get more to finish up my project. It would be a work related expense, yes??

Today is my grandmother's 85th birthday- she taught me to sew and crochet and paint ceramics. Without her legacy, I don't think I'd be doing what I do today. Daughter had off from school last Monday, so we all went out for a birthday lunch at Grandmom's favorite restaurant.  Happy Birthday, Grandmom!


  1. My goodness, those flowers look b e a u t i f u l!!!
    I can't wait for color and warmth to return again. The snow is nice to look at, but not fun to feel!
    Happy birthday to Grandma!

  2. Absolutely beautiful dear!

    Your posts continue to be an inspiration to my life! :)
