Monday, January 24, 2011

Test, Write, Eat, Repeat

It is getting harder and harder to fit into my clothes... what with all of the cooking and baking going on here lately. I have been working on recipes to include in my book... I am a good cook, but I am a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-now-too-tight-pants cook. I have a hard time following a recipe- let alone actually writing one down. There are a lot of favorite things we like to make and eat... but none of them written down. So I am testing and writing. And eating. Test, Write, Eat, Repeat.... Hence the tight pants. Fortunately, nothing I make is very complicated, just yummy home cooking like my mom and my mother-in-law and probably your mom used to make. 
 Pictured today: ingredients for a rustic casserole. I like to cook with wine (and sometimes I even put it in the food, bwahahaha.)
So now I think I need to go take a looong walk. Oh wait, it's 23 degrees outside (and that's the high for today!) Maybe a nice cup of tea instead...Have a happy, warm Monday.


  1. Sounds yummy! I agree with you, a hot cup of tea. We are in a deep freeze here in Ontario, Canada. I love your artwork and fabric.

  2. Rustic Casserole? Sounds very good!
    You need to get yourself a wii with temps like that!
    Have a great week,

  3. Great post! Love your work!

  4. In the book, "A Lantern in Her Hand", Abbie Dean, in the middle of her life's journey used to say she looked like, "A pudding bag with the string tied round the middle."

    I think that's a totally satisfactory description of middle age spread. 80)
