Friday, March 4, 2011

An Embarrassment of Riches

 The other day I woke up in a bad mood. Just grumpy, and with a headache. I just really wanted to crawl back under the covers. This happens occasionally but usually once I get up and get going, I feel better. No such luck the other day. "The Mood" just kept lingering. As the morning went on, I remembered an inspiring lady named Linda Arye I met back at Quilt Market in late October. She started a wonderful organization called Quilts for Kids and she is such a go-getter (and, it turns out, she lives not that far from me- but I had to go to Houston to meet her). I also remembered a promise that I made to myself way back in October, which I had somehow forgotten. I bet you can guess what it was. I got to work on this and felt a little better.

It was still not a stellar day, but I really did feel better. I will work on completing this in the next week or so, and I will show you photos along the way.

Sometimes when you work in a creative field, the thing you LOVE to do becomes the thing you HAVE to do- and sometimes the pressure makes it a little less fun. It is good to do projects "just because"- just because they are fun, just because they fill up your soul, just because they make someone else's day a little brighter.

I have some more "real" work to do today and then I am going to start on a spring project for a special little someone. Just because.

Oh- I have to show you this. Remember last week I showed you the Vera Bradley purse I splurged on? Last Sunday at church they were having a raffle for anyone who put down a deposit on a ticket for a Women's Conference. I had intended on putting the deposit down weeks before but kept forgetting my checkbook. I honestly didn't know that there was a raffle until I walked up to the table- I just wanted to make sure I secured my ticket before they were sold out. Of course I had forgotten my checkbook again but I did have enough cash in my wallet to cover it (a miracle! ha ha). I was the last one whose name went into the drawing. And then I left. We got out to the car and then my husband realized he'd forgotten something inside and went back in. When he came back out, he was carrying this! I actually won!

The cool thing about a Miche bag is that the outside is magnetic- so when you want to switch purses you just whip off the outside cover and slap on a different one- no need to dump the whole purse! And this bag is so beautiful- I can't wait to use it.

Vera & Miche: it's an embarrassment of riches.
Have a blessed and wonderful and safe weekend.


  1. Beautiful purse and congrats! I've never seen a purse like this.

  2. Oh, friend. How I loveeee Vera. She is my fav. I cant bring myself to splurge on a new one for me - but mannnn oh man! Does ebay have great deals. Im glad that making something for someone ele helped get you out of your funk. xoxoxo

  3. The purse is neat. Congrats!

    About the coffee.... I didn't like coffee until I had some at my baby shower. They had run out of suger and so I had some without. With just milk (light) it was great! As it turned out, it's only sweet coffee I don't like!
    Now I'm a bit of coffee snob. Don't like Starbucks. Love, love, love Chockful of Nuts!
    And Jamaican Blue Mountain?
    Don't even get me started!! (yum!)

  4. The purse is neat. Congrats!

    About the coffee.... I didn't like coffee until I had some at my baby shower. They had run out of suger and so I had some without. With just milk (light) it was great! As it turned out, it's only sweet coffee I don't like!
    Now I'm a bit of coffee snob. Don't like Starbucks. Love, love, love Chockful of Nuts!
    And Jamaican Blue Mountain?
    Don't even get me started!! (yum!)

  5. well done dear!
