Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Book Blog Tour Day 2

It is Day 2 of our book tour! Today the prize I am giving away is a collection of 5 of my patterns. Comment on this post by midnight tonight (EDT) for your chance to win- then make sure you stop back tomorrow for another chance to win a different prize.

A little more about my book.... I mentioned that is has 12 recipes. I love being creative in the kitchen- in fact, I have a very hard time following a recipe.... I am always thinking, oh this would be good with peaches instead of raspberries, or, I have olives but not capers, or, what if I add BACON...... I am always thinking of ways to do different variations on a dish, or how to combine 2 dishes into one, or, most often- how to turn whatever I happen to have in the refrigerator into something good for dinner. To me, cooking should be about making food with love. You don't have to be a chef or go to culinary school to be a good cook. You just have to love making things that the special people in your life will enjoy (kind of like quilting....)
Some of you have already seen the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcakes in the book. How about Spiced Pear Upside-Down Cake with Ginger Cream Sauce (I will tell you, I LOVE that cream sauce- I want to pour it over everything). Cherry Cheese Tart with Almond Oatmeal Crumble. Creamy Curried Apple and Butternut Squash Soup. I am getting hungry now.... My husband and I did the food styling and the photography for the recipes in the book. It is fun getting the props together, but sometimes it can be challenging to set up the photo and get the lighting right, and make the food look as good as it tastes.

See some sample pages from the book here.

 Today, make sure you also visit with the fabulous Pat Sloan! Pat is the Queen of Everything Quilt-y! You can find Pat at her website, her blog, and every Monday, catch up with her as she hosts the American Patchwork and Quilting Radio show. I really enjoy the show- it is always so interesting to hear from other people in the quilting and creative world. She also has a monthly crafting radio show.

Pat is the Energizer Bunny of the quilt world- she says she occasionally sleeps, but I'm not sure I believe her. (I may be mistaken, but possibly liberal doses of coffee have something to do with it??) If you'd like to meet Pat in person, check out her events page to see where she will turn up next....
Pat's latest book is called Redwork with a Twist, and the projects are darling! I really love it!

Pat's latest fabric line is called Simple Stitches, and there are 5 FREE patterns available!
 So here is the link again to Pat's Blog for the Book Tour.
There is a giveaway for a copy of the book on Pat's Blog this week.
Make sure you stop by and say Hello!
Pat loves meeting new people!

Here is the line up for the whole week. And in case I haven't said it- THANK YOU to all of my wonderful and supportive Blog Buddies for joining me this week....

Monday: Brenda Riddle of Acorn Quilt and Gift Company
              Jill Finley of Jillily Studio
Tuesday: Pat Sloan of, well, everything!
Wednesday: Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches
Thursday: Michele Foster of The Quilting Gallery
Friday: Sandi Andersen of A Legacy of Stitches


  1. Would love to win, you're making me hungry and starved for patches!

  2. Delicious pictures. I'd love to win that.

  3. You could make a beautiful quilt out of the photos of those dishes you prepared for your book!

  4. Thanks for the giveaway, I am starving now! Pat is always generous with her patterns. Linda

  5. Husband and you did a wonderful job of photographing the food. Everything looks divine. I'm enjoying the blog hop. Happy quilting.

  6. Good Morning,
    Great pics, I enjoy cooking for my family also, what a great book, quilting and cooking. Thanks

  7. I love your patterns you are showing and your new book looks fantastic. Glad to meet you.Lisa Vecellio

  8. OK, now I want Pineapple Upside Down cake and it's only 7:30 am EDT here. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  9. I love your patterns, recipes, and your home. Is that the pattern for the quilt on your bed, cute.

  10. I saw those cupcakes on Pat's blog and I NEED this recipe. We have some serious chocolate and peanut butter fans in this family. We are celebrating our August birthdays at the end of the month and this would be a perfect addition to the dessert table.

  11. What a great lineup of bloggers you have for the blog hop. I would love to win! ~Kd

  12. Oh my, the Starfish quilt pattern looks terrific! Thanks for the chance to win your patterns. And that chocolate cupcake is looking yummy, even at 8 AM!!

  13. Oh those recipies look dangerous to a girl on a diet.. Chocolate cupcakes with yummy cream cheese frosting.. Ahhhh temptation!

  14. Everything looks fabulous. How wonderful that you're sharing this with us.

  15. I love changing recipes too. Can't seem to follow directions very well.

  16. Those chocolate peanut butter cupcakes look incredible! You have me sold!

    I'd love to win the patterns, too. :)

  17. OOO, you are making me hungry. Guess I should get some breakfast. lol
    Looks like some great recipes in the book. And some great patterns from the blogs I have stopped at so far. Can't wait to see more. Congrats!

  18. I love book tours as they highlight so many delicious patterns and recipes from the book. Looks wonderful!

  19. Looks like your book has some really pretty quilts as well as good food!

  20. Now I just HAVE to have that book! LOL You and your hubby did a super job with the photography...I know that is difficult to get just right. I'd love to win those patterns....Nantucket and the starfish are calling my name!
    Jacque in SC aka Snoodles at Lilypadquilting

  21. Your book looks so good & I can't wait to get a copy & start cooking. I'm anxious to try some of your patterns, too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. I would love to make your chocolate peanut butter cupcakes! They look so yummy!

  23. I love blog tours. I learn so much!

  24. The food in your book looks so yummy! Thanks for the chance to win your patterns! :0)

  25. I am thrilled to find your blog, new to me! I love reading about other quilters' designs and lifestyle. Thanks for sharing.

  26. The chocolate peanut butter cupcakes were enough enticement - and then I looked at other sample pages. This book is now a must-have for my library. Beautifully photographed, and does make the dishes look as yummy as they taste!

  27. I have all these recipe books, but when it comes time for dinner I usually just wing it. LOL Some really good meals happen that way. I do try new recipes--there's always a new favorite lurking somewhere :)

  28. You said the magic words... add bacon! :) And the chocolate peanut butter cupcakes...YUMMY!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    c.paints [at] yahoo [dot] com

  29. Great book. I see from the comments that I'm not the only one getting hungry.

  30. Yummy ;) the food looks delicious!!! Thanks for entering me...Nurse Payne

  31. I've just added Pat's new book 'Redwork with a Twist' to my 'WANT' list....and your food pictures reminded me it is time for lunch. Can't wait for cool temperatures....the butternut squash soup looks soooo delicious. I would luv to win your patterns....thanks for the chance!!!

  32. oh wow what a cool give away. but its almost lunch here and the food is really enticing me. need to rummage through my desk for some chocolate.

  33. Hard to say whether the quilts or the recipes are more enticing! Thanks for having the giveaway

  34. Wow what a prize!! And I agree with you, I'm not sure Pat sleeps. I love reading her blog. She sure is the energizer bunny :-)

  35. Oh my gosh, I am so hungry now! LOL :-) Love your photo's! I'd love to own some of your patterns! Thanks for the chance!

  36. I am always impressed with people who can take unusual ingrediants from the kitchen and make something fabulous. I am not quite that talented, but am always on the lookout for new and interesting cooking ideas. Your new book looks and sounds marvelous!

  37. Thanks for the chance to win some of your patterns, and a book.
    The Pear dish sounds wonderful -- we have lots of pears from our trees that we can use. Hope to see that recipe!

  38. I'm excited about your book Jacquelynne! I can't wait to see it. Thanks for a fun book tour!

  39. You have so many talents. I would love to know which you enjoy most. I am impressed that you did the photos of your recipes. Everything looks so delicious.

  40. The patterns are beautiful and the food looks delicious. It makes me hungry.

  41. Hello..i am new to your blog:) i love your patterns for embroidery as well as your beautiful quilts! thank you for a chance to win hour beautiful book!
    Chandice McInerney

  42. I would love to win! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful creations with us! (btw, your name is a combination of mine and my mother's! Correct spelling for both! I've never seen that spelling before, and, of course, I love it! :))

  43. Oh, I want one of those cup cakes right now! Too bad it is 102 out so no oven is being heated up in this house for a while! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Sandy A

  44. Everything looks delicious and hats off to the hubs too!

  45. I would love a copy of your book. Everything you do looks so much fun! So happy I found you!

  46. Those look like fabulous recipes - yum!!! Again, congratulations on your wonderful book and thanks for a chance.

  47. Wow! The cupcakes and cake look wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. I would love to win your fabulous book ...it looks superb :) Lots of beautiful creations in it :)

  49. It looks like a great book with lots of adorable patterns and I would love to win. Thanks for the chance.

  50. Love the lok of all those patterns. The book looks really great. The recipes will be well received as well

  51. As always fabulous! I'm so glad I discovered your great work. I would love to try some of the recipes.
    Sandy from Love ya to stitches.

  52. You are such a giving person. Thank you so much.
    Hopping over to Pat's now.

  53. Hi Jackie,
    Love that you are having this tour!
    Would love to win - your book is so interesting! Those recipes look soooo good!! Want to try them right away!!
    Your fabric designs are wonderful!
    Good luck on your next project!

  54. Wow! I just signed up for your newsletter after seeing this blog of yours - so inspiring, so joyful in all the eye candy!! Thank you for an opportunity to win . . .

  55. I hope I'm in time, with all those time difference with Europe, like to read your adventures. bye bye Caro from the Netherlands

  56. Your recipes look yummy. I am so excited for you and this wonderful book.

  57. I am in France hope that is no problem. LOVE the book , please ......

  58. love your blog.lindagerig@sbcglobla.net
