Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Book Blog Tour Day 3

 It's day 3 of the book tour- I hope you are all having fun. Today's prize is a fabric and pattern kit for a table runner and set of 4 place mats for my Joy, Love, Peace, Noel fabric line. To enter, leave a comment on this post by midnight tonight (EDT). Good luck! Be sure to stop back tomorrow for a chance to win yet another prize.

I thought that today I would tell you a little about my inspiration for my book, Fruitful Hands.

The idea for this book started in my head about 4 years ago. I was thinking about a bunch of different projects that revolved around a fruit theme. I was also thinking about the Fruits of the Spirit as described in the Bible, in Galatians 5:22-23:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

I thought about the word longsuffering, in other words, patience; and by extension, perseverance. I thought about not expecting everything to come easily and with little effort. And I thought about the women who came before me, who were creative out of necessity. They couldn't just run to Wal-mart when Junior had outgrown his coat and winter was approaching. Maybe they'd have to sell some eggs to raise the funds, or maybe they'd have to patch something together from whatever they had around the house or cabin. I thought about pioneer women making do with whatever they could find. I thought about my own grandmother, making her own clothes, and my own mother, making dinner from whatever happened to be left in the refrigerator (and it was usually pretty good!) Generally, women in the past HAD to be creative to survive. Today, most of us can run to the store to pick up whatever we need. While our foremothers had to sew and quilt and cook out of necessity, we now get to do those things as enjoyable hobbies. We don't have to be creative to survive- but we can instead turn those creative urges into making things just for fun- what a blessing.

One of the projects in my book which is an homage to making do is actually called a make-do. The tag on mine says "patience" to remind me daily that I need to work on that attribute! In the book, you will also find patterns for other tags, such as love, joy, peace, kindness and faithfulness.

How about covering an old binder that you have lying around the house with some bits of fabric, and turning into a recipe binder for yourself, or as a perfect shower gift. In the book, I suggest collecting recipes from shower guests before the day of the party, and then assembling them into a keepsake recipe binder for the bride-to-be:
Do you like to do punchneedle? If so, maybe you would like to work on this Cheery Cherry Pillow:
And the recipe: Cherry Cheese Tart with Almond Oatmeal Crumble. Yum!

Today, stop by and say hi to Natalie of Cinderberry Stitches. Natalie lives in Australia and is mom to a beautiful little blond haired angel- I think we know where she gets some of her inspiration from! I "met" Natalie through blogging, and then got to meet her in person last fall in Houston at Quilt Market.

She has a new book out, also, called Cotton Floss. To see lots of images from Cotton Floss, click here.

Natalie's style is so cute- little fairy girls, owls, toadstools.... She does lots and lots of embroidery- she has such a unique and adorable style. I just want to make every single one of her projects!!

She also just started designing fabric, her first line will be called "Woodland" for Lecien, so be on the lookout for that!

Again, to get to Natalie's blog for the book tour, click here
There will be a giveaway on Natalie's blog to win a copy of my book!

Make sure you stop by these fun blogs this week....
Monday: Brenda Riddle of Acorn Quilt and Gift Company
              Jill Finley of Jillily Studio
Tuesday: Pat Sloan of, well, everything!
Wednesday: Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches
Thursday: Michele Foster of The Quilting Gallery
Friday: Sandi Andersen of A Legacy of Stitches


  1. Hi Jacquelynne,
    The basis for your book, the Fruits of the Spirit passage in the Bible, is very special to me. I am thorougly enjoying reading your blog and am so glad I found you through this blog hop!

    thank you!

  2. I'm in love with that little cute.

  3. Love your blog. Your book looks like great fun. Thank you for sharing some of your thought process. I would love to win the fabric and pattern kit.

  4. Your blog is so lovely -
    I think the Giveaway is wonderful -
    And the colors for the fabric - Just perfect -

    Please include me in the drawing -
    Thank you ;)

  5. What a Beautiful Book, I've come over from Natalie's site. When she showed that you mix my two Favorite things, Quilting and Food together....I'm in absolute Heaven!!!

  6. I am trying (some may say very at times!) to win your book every day, it's lovely thank you for being so generous with your giveaways. Linda

  7. I love cherry pincushion!!!! It's beautiful. All your book looks lovely! So I want to be in your giveaway!


    Happy day!!

  8. What a great book and I really enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for the give away.

  9. Joy, Love, Peace. Noel is lovely fabric. I appreciated your statement on longsuffering (patience) and creativity. Our talents are indeed blessings.

    I am enjoying the blog hop. Thanks.

  10. Your fabric line is darling! Hope to see more ideas on how to use the panels!

  11. Wow, I love this tour (better than the Tour de France it is). Great book - would be great to have a copy, so I left my name at Natalie's too. O:)

  12. Oh, I love the idea of covering a notebook for recipes. That would be so much classier than the ratty old thing I use to hold my favorite recipes.

  13. This is my first book tour...loving the tour! Great ideas and inspiration perfect for summer vacation! So excited, I know exactly where some binders are...I'll be heading to my stash closet this afternoon. :)

  14. I enjoyed reading how you came about designing some of the projects for this book. thanks for sharing. I do like the ideas of sharing recipes along with the projects. great idea. off to visit Natalie.

  15. I am really enjoying reading your blog, sometimes we all need to stop and think about how easy we have everything these days. I would love to win the table runner kit.

  16. Wow I love your blog... I came over from Natalie's blog.. (Australia)... I am now a follower..


  17. It is always a pleasure to read your posts. Blessings and thank you.

  18. Thanks for sharing about the inspiration for your book! It really does look like an awesome book. And you are right, the women of past generations had to make do with what they had on hand.

  19. I love Natalies birds.. LOVE them. Your Christmas runner looks fantastic. Christmas is just my favortie holiday to decorate for.

  20. Thanks for sharing with us and congratulations on the new book.

  21. Thanks for sharing. Great book. Placemats, hm, my husband the cook, thinks that the sports section of the paper makes a great placemat. Grr

  22. In just three days, your blog has become a must-read. I enjoyed reading about your inspiration and it reminded me about the Fruits of the Spirit. This is a powerful blog about learning to make do. Love the projects. Thank you for your insights each day.

  23. This is really fun and exciting. Love your blogstories. Bye bye Caro from the Netherlands

  24. I so enjoyed reading your post today. Thanks for the reminder of how truly blessed we are!

  25. Thank you for sharing your inspiration for 'Fruitful Hands', you gave me lots to think about today....make due with what we have...patience...not expecting everything to come easy and with little's time we all stepped back just a bit in time... live more within our means as our grandparents and parents did...great post Jackie. I hopped over to 'Cinderberry Stitches' and am keeping my fingers crossed to win a copy of your 'Fruitful Hands'. Thanks again for hosting the 'book blog hop'.... you have some awesome fun blogs we can hop over to find out more about your book.
    Great reading and great job Jackie!!!

  26. I have visited Natalie before and enjoyed visiting both of you today. Both of you have written wonderful books. I will have to have a copy of each.

  27. It easy to wish for what we think were simpler times. But your post today reminds us of how much easier we have it. We also have fantastic designs and fabric to choose from for our projects. Yeah!!!

  28. Just want to let you know I'm really enjoying this blog hop.
    And for the give-away: thanks for a chance to win, I love Christmas fabrics with snowmen :-))
    Happy quilting.

  29. Our church is starting a series right now on the Galations passage and it is a passage that speaks to me personally. I am really enjoying this blog tour. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  30. Pears and cherries are the theme in my kitchen.

  31. The book looks wonderful. Thank you.

  32. Love to learn more about you and the book! Very interesting. Thanks so much!

  33. Your book sounds so inviting and inspiring! I have commented on each blog and hope to win a copy! Thanks for your chance to win this great pattern with your new fabric line.

  34. I am positive I will never have enough Christmas and winter decorations, so would love to make a tablerunner!! Thanks for the chance to win. I'm off to Cinderberry's blog now. Happy day!

  35. Thank you for sharing what inspired you to write your wonderful new book.

    I love the needle punched cherries.

  36. I am really enjoying your posts! Thank you sharing with us. I love the tablerunner too. Have a happy day!

  37. I love the content of your newsletters! Thank you!

  38. a book blog tour, what a fabulous idea, and so much fun... thanks!!

  39. What a fun Christmas kit to put togther. I love reading your newsletters & all of your great recipes.

  40. Thanks for the gentle reminder that we do indeed have some things easier than past generations. Plz enter me in your drawing for today.

  41. very generous give-away. Love the fabric and good luck with your book tour. Vicki from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.

  42. I love your blog. You are a very talented lady thanks for sharing it with us. Thanks also for the opportunity to enter your drawing.

  43. Would love to enter the giveaway. Love, love, love all your designs

  44. Your designs and blog are inspiring.

  45. I just found your blog by way of Pat Sloan's newsletter and I am sure happy I did. I love your fabric line and your book, Fruitful Hands is really inspiring!

  46. So excited for you with your new book! It looks wonderful! Would love to be entered in your giveaway!

  47. I love that you were able to meet Natalie through blogging then at Quilt Market. Blogging friendships are wonderful. Looking forward to reading your book!

  48. Hello Jacquelynne

    Congratulations on your book. You have put so much work into this you must be so proud.
    Happy days.

  49. Congratulations on the new book! I enjoyed reading this blog about your inspiration for the book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  50. Jacquelynne, thank you for sharing about the process behind the book; thank you too, for reminding me of a passage of strength and power in Galatians. I needed that today - what a blessing! I love the pear, with its tag to remind us of love, joy, or other dynamic words that we choose. I do so hope to win!
    Jacque in SC
    aka Snoodles at Lilypadquilting

  51. I love the table runner and place mats...
    I also love the way you share the spirit in such a welcoming way.
    May God bless you.

  52. The table runner is beautiful. I am glad that I stopped in to read your blog but not for just the give away. You have a delightful blog and I am enjoying reading it. Thank you so much. I have become a follower

  53. Congratulations on your new book. Looks like a winner!

  54. Love that the idea for your book came from the fruit of the Spirit! Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. I would love to win this, i love the make do, and everything else!

  56. I love Natalie's work, she is one of my favorite designers. Love her book too, I have just received a copy.

  57. I can tell you're having a fun time with this blog book tour. Thanks for the chance to win.

  58. Natalie's work is beautiful too! I've been to her blog before but it has been awhile, thanks for the link.

  59. This looks such a great book!
