Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quilt Show Finds and Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Martina the winner of my giveaway! (Martina lives in Switzerland- someplace I'd love to visit some day!) To enter, contestants had to provide a caption for the photo below. There were lots of cute captions, and I had a hard time choosing one. Martina's winning caption:
"No place like mom!"

Thanks to everyone who played!

Daughter and I took a trip to a quilt show last week- here are some of our finds:

Some really pretty fabrics and jumbo ric rac in lovely colors. Daughter is going to use the blue fabric in the back to make a birthday gift for her friend.

Wool and a pattern to make a headband and neck collar scarf (you know, in my spare time.)

We also stopped at the Lancaster Central Market (a farmer's market in the middle of the city) for lunch. As usually happens, we forgot to take a photo of our lunch, because we couldn't wait to eat it! But we did find a stand with these cute cookies, made especially for the quilt show in town:

We stopped at one of my favorite shops, The Old Mill House Shoppe.

I had a coupon, which means I had to buy something. I got these prints for the kitchen. Hubby hung them up this weekend. I really like the burlap mat.

I have a very cute project to show you on Friday- how to recycle an old sweater into a fabulous addition to your spring wardrobe. Stay tuned....

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