Monday, April 23, 2012

More Bridal Shower Photos

The table settings for the shower turned out very pretty. Buying flats of annuals and re-potting them ourselves was really inexpensive. Our color scheme was light pink, fuchsia, spring green, and yellow. We found the paper plates at Michael's the week before spring- the colors were perfect.

For a fun game, youngest daughter came up with a "Mad Libs Bridal Shower Edition." The games were on the table for the guests to work on while they waited for the bride-to-be to get there.

We held the shower in our church hall. We found this lattice arch, already decorated (with the perfectly colored pink flowers!) in the closet. I bought the pink parasol from an online wedding supplier months ago, not really knowing what I was going to do with it, but once again, the color was perfect.  This brown chair was not the most attractive piece of furniture in the building, but we did our best to cover it in crepe paper and balloons.

I'll have a few more photos next time- the bride, the groom, the bridesmaids, and the cake.... Very important stuff.

For more photos, click here.

PS Anyone else having trouble with Blogger? This was supposed to post on Friday and I noticed this morning that it never did.


  1. Just beautiful pictures! I'm sure you daughter loved every minute!

    I've been having a little bit of a problem reading blogger as of late. Not sure what that's about.

  2. What a beautiful shower. I don't have a blog but I have been having problems with getting onto some of the blogs that I read. Recently your blog I have noticed takes longer than most to download. They have also once again changed the setup for my reading list and sometimes it takes awhile for it to even show up. I wish they would leave things alone it seems like just as I get used to the setup of things they change them on me again.

  3. Looks lovely! I saw those plates at Michael's and loved them....wished I had an occasion coming up to buy them and use them!

  4. Great pictures! I have been having some difficulty with the site, but no problems now! Thanks again!!

  5. Super cute and looks like lots of fun. Blogger is a mess since they updated it. I don't care for the way the blogs I am following show up. It is hard to follow. This is the first time I saw the post before this one.
