Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What I've Been Up To.....

I have been spinning a web of lies.... so many times I thought I'd get caught for sure. So many times, I was worried that I'd slip and say something that I shouldn't... or that someone else would unwittingly reveal my secrets.... Stress, worry, anxiety that I'd be found out... Oh so many stories I came up with, quickly and off the cuff... Gradually, lying became second nature to me and I was shocked by how really good I was at it... I must admit, every time I got away with another lie, I had an exhilarating rush! Such power, such incredible skills of deviousness and duplicity I possessed.....

Do you think I am a sociopath? No, I am just a mom trying to plan my oldest daughter's SURPRISE Bridal Shower! Youngest daughter and I spent her Spring Break making favors, buying decorations and paper products, ordering food.... and trying really hard not to let the truth slip to oldest daughter.

Sometimes I can't blog about what is currently going on in my life and my work. Usually, if I can't post about something, it's because a design has not been released yet, so it can't be revealed. Lately though, I couldn't show what I had REALLY been up to, because a certain daughter who is engaged reads my blog, and I couldn't let her know the truth!

So, this is what I have been up to.... For the favors and centerpieces, grosgrain ribbon dresses up plain clay pots from the craft store.

Youngest daughter designed and printed out tags for the favors. They were cut apart, layered with green cardstock, and glued to wooden stakes.

Spring is a wonderful time for a Bridal Shower- potted plants are much more economical than cut flowers, and bring life and cheeriness to the table setting. We bought flats of alyssum and dianthus and planted them into the little flower pots.

We set pots of African Daisies right inside larger clay pots for the centerpieces.

Another do-ahead activity was bundling the cutlery into a pretty pink napkin tied with grosgrain ribbon that matched the small flower pots. On the day of the shower, a sprig of fresh rosemary was placed in the bundle.

Lots more photos to come. Stay tuned....


  1. Such lovely ideas! This will be a wonderful surprise!

  2. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing I can't wait to see the rest of your pictures.

  3. Such wonderful ideas! I can predict that people will be utilizing these creative plans for their own celebrations! Pretty!

  4. I know this wedding will be beautiful! How can it help it, with you in charge? Looks like you are off to a good start. Can't wait to see you in Kansas-I'll watch for the scarf.

  5. This is a fantastic idea for a bridal shower, Jacqueline. I love all the bright colors...they really say spring. The sprig of fresh rosemary tied to the silverware is such a nice touch...and I bet it smells amazing!

  6. I love this idea for a bridal shower! I know what you're going through. I planned and created EVRYTHING for my daughter's wedding. It's a huge undertaking, but so worth it! Congratulations to you both!!!

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  8. These favors are awesome, Jacquelynne. I am doing my dd's wedding (four weeks to go) and love the plastic-ware in the napkins. Very nice!
