Monday, May 21, 2012

Junior Prom

We are just back from Quilt Market, and I will be putting up some photos soon. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you some photos from an even more important event- Junior Prom!

Younger daughter tried on lots of dresses, and chose something I really didn't expect- a sparkly sequined  gown.

(I love her "shy smile" in this photo....)

A bunch of her friends gathered at her friend's beautiful home for photos. Don't all of the girls look lovely??

Of course, the girls got a little silly. They decided it would be fun to kick off their shoes and run through the field (this was before prom- no regard for hair or make up, ha ha.)

and they couldn't resist the ubiquitous "Titanic" pose...

Finally, this candid shot is one of my favorites....

The girls are very close, and there is such a sisterly love there... it was a special thing to witness.
Have a happy Monday. Hopefully I will get some photos from Quilt Market up here soon.

P.S. Sarah forever in our hearts.......


  1. Your daughter is beautiful and her dress looked great on her. All of her friends looked beautiful in their dresses.

  2. Your daughter looks beautiful in her dress, but I can't imagine wearing something like that, was it heavy? LOL
    It looks like she has a wonderful group of friends.


  3. Your daughter looks stunning. I hope she had a fabulous time.

  4. The girls all looked very pretty......what fun pictures they took. Thanks for sharing them.

  5. That necklace is to die for!! They all look so nice.

  6. Aw, they look so pretty, and they look like they are such good friends! I bet they had fun!

  7. Your daughter looks stunning. I hope she had a fabulous time.

  8. That necklace is to die for!! They all look so nice.
