Friday, May 25, 2012

Pinterest Pick: Stuff on Sticks

My daughter Samantha is back for another guest blogger post...

Last week I said to my mom, "I think my next post is going to be about stuff on sticks.  There's so much stuff you can put on sticks!"
She just gave me a sideways glance and said, "Ok..."

But it's true!  There IS so much stuff you can put on sticks!  And we all love to do it.  Just look at how cake pops took off.  They are just cake and icing... but they're on sticks.  See what I'm getting at here?

So I figured today, I'll guide you into the world of stuff that can be put on sticks.  Some of that stuff is healthy stuff, no less.

Exhibit A--

Apple slices put on sticks, and then covered in chocolate!  I know we are all familiar with candy and chocolate apples, but just doing the slices makes is so much easier... and a little prettier!  The blog they came from calls them "Apple Lollies," which is a name that's just as adorable as the lollies themselves.

A similar, but more exotic idea...

Can you imagine serving these babies up to your friends on a Friday night? So fun!

Exhibit B--

These banana pops are super healthy!  And the best part is that you can cover the banana in anything you want.  Coconut, nuts, crushed cereal, cookies, chocolate chips... you name it.  All you have to do is dip the banana in honey, which acts as the "glue," and then roll it in whatever yummy topping you have in mind and then freeze.  Brilliant! (Find recipe here.)

Exhibit C--

Hot chocolate on a stick! They look sinfully delicious, don't they?  And they really are literally hot chocolate frozen onto sticks.  How that for ingenuity?  I wonder if there's a coffee variation...

Exhibit D--

Last, we have these delicious yogurt covered strawberries.  This is a low-ingredient indulgent snack that's easy on the eyes and your calorie count!  I can't wait to try these myself... and I'm sure you can't either!

We had tons of fun at the Kansas City Quilt Market!  Can't wait to share our pictures and stories with you all next week!

Happy pinning, and happy weekend!



  1. What a great find, Samantha! I especially liked the hot chocolate pops! A tasty treat on a hot summer day!
