Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kansas City Quilt Market

We promised photos of Quilt Market. I know everyone has photos up on their blogs- so you don't need much more from me... I am doing a real quick tour for you... because I figure by now you've seen all the photos. And we are 11 days until my daughter's wedding... so I have a few other things on my mind....

My favorite thing about going to Quilt Market is meeting up with all of the people that I only get to see once or twice a year...

Me and my good pal Brenda Pinnick

My design director at Henry Glass, Harriet Clemens

Fellow Henry Glass designer Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched

Very popular designer and my friend, Lynnette Anderson.

Author and Henry Glass designer Linda Lum deBono does a demonstration at the Martingale booth. Her new book is called Sew Merry & Bright.

 The very sweet and lovely Jill Finley of Jillily Studio.

 Did you know that Chewbacca is a quilter? Me either.....

 Samantha and I with fabulous designer Carina Gardner.

 My friend and fellow Henry Glass fabric designer and Kansas City Star author Dawn Heese.

I always look forward to seeing Helen Stubbings of Hugs n Kisses at Market.

We literally chased this cute little lady down the aisle so we could get her picture. Do you love the Segway and the helmet?? I do! Creative transportation at Market!

Me and my very best friends in the world, Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson (ha ha just kidding. These are cardboard cut outs, in case you couldn't figure that out.... but they send their regards...)

My REAL BFF, daughter Samantha.

OK off to do some wedding stuff. The big day is hurdling towards us. I have very mixed feelings about it all....


  1. Fun pictures....hoping that all goes well, but I am sure it will for such a creative and organized person. Heehee! You are organized, aren't you? I think we have to be, to plan a wedding! Even a rehearsal dinner can be daunting. :) Blessings to you and your BFF as she moves into a new chapter of her life. Hugs to you!

  2. Enjoyed your photos and seeing more of the show. I think a segway is a smart ride for such big show, lol. My DIL asked me to make a ring pillow for her, so looking at ideas.


  3. Looks like you and all the others had such fun. I have two married sons and I had mixed feelings as well.

  4. Pick your battles wisely, delegate, and if something doesn't get done most likely no one will notice. Take time to smell the roses.
