Monday, July 9, 2012

Baltimore, Maryland

Hubby and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary last weekend with a trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor. We spent a night at a nice Bed and Breakfast, and had dinner at famous Baltimore seafood restaurant Phillips.

We also went to the National Aquarium, which was really great. I highly recommend it if you are in the area.

Freshwater crocodile in the Australia exhibit.

Lots of weird and creepy jellyfish....

The National Aquarium is also home to lots of sharks, rays, dolphins, and a beautiful, rescued, 3 flippered sea turtle named Calypso.

The next day, I had a Shrimp and Grit Po'boy for lunch.  A girl's gotta eat!! It was very good.

 We found a cute cupcake shop- but did not indulge. Aren't you in awe of my willpower????

Possibly the most memorable part of the trip was when we were walking around Inner Harbor and the wind blew up the back of my favorite flow-y summer skirt- exposing my backside to the entire city of Baltimore... to said city, my deepest apologies.

Youngest daughter also spent all of last week in Columbus, Ohio for the Teen Bible Quiz National Championships. Her team placed 10th in the nation! Congratulations! Now she is off to the beach for a few days with some of her friends from school. That, in addition to her volunteer work at a local museum, makes her a busy busy girl this summer.

Have a Happy Monday...


  1. Congratulations! Our 23rd will be this year in August.

  2. Happy Anniversary! It looks like you had a wonderful trip and the aquarium looks like a fun place to visit. We stayed in the Annapolis area one summer when I was younger, my dad was a boat captain and he piloted one of the tourist boats in the bay.


  3. Happy Anniversary!
    We celebrated our 31st on June 27th!

    Thanks for the memories. I had lunch most days at Harborplace... worked just a few blocks away. AND spent lots of time going through the National Aquarium when our kids were little. We bought an annual membership pass. So much to do and sooo much history! We lived 3 miles from the harbor in a 100 year old rowhouse that my DH renovated while keeping some of its historic interior and charm... like the tin ceilings and beautiful woodwork! We moved 20 years ago, but it's still home. I'm from the burbs there.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to Charm City! ~Karen

  4. Happy Anniversary!! What a lovely day you had. And what awesome will power. I could not have passed up those cupcakes. Got a good chuckle out of the Marilyn incident. LOL!

  5. Hello!!
    My name is Danielle Zimmerman and I’m an editor for I also contribute to I just wanted to let you know that I linked out to your “Cinco de Mayo Casserole” recipe in my most recent blog post. Here’s the URL:

    I’ve browsed through your blog before and I have to say that all of your recipes look so delicious! If you’re interested, we’d love to feature more of your casserole-esque recipes on Basically, what we do is give a short description of your recipe along with a picture and then link back to your site so that they can see the full recipe. If you’re interested in working together, just shoot me an email at!

    Danielle Zimmerman
    Editorial Intern
    Prime Publishing LLC
    3400 Dundee Road
    Northbrook, IL 60062
    847-205-9375 Main | 847-513-6099 Fax

  6. Happy anniversary once again! Here's to 23 more years!!
