Friday, July 6, 2012

Town Tour: Woodbury

A guest post from my daughter Samantha:

There has always been something I love about a small, historic town; probably because I grew up in one.  I love the architecture and the big trees populating every lawn.  The town my husband and I moved to is no exception, so I've decided to take you on a little photo tour of my new hometown, and some of my favorite places so far.

This is a small painted bridge tucked into the back of town over the railroad tracks.  Did you notice the theme? Quilts! How lovely is that?

Some of my favorite architectural pieces in town are, of course, the historic homes, but also places like the court house, the fire company, and this little railroad-station-turned-coffee-house!

Last is my personal favorite; the local Episcopal church.  This little beauty reminds me so much of Robin Hood with its almost Mediaeval style bell tower and stone style.  I only wish I had more room for pictures!

I hope you enjoyed taking a walk with me through my town and enjoying all the little things Woodbury has to offer.  I hope you have a favorite little town of your own!

Happy weekend!



  1. Thanks, Samantha, for a virtual tour of your pretty town.... Lovely photos!

  2. Thanks for the tour of your town. It is very beautiful with all the old buildings and I love the quilt themed bridge.

  3. Beautiful place to live, so much history and art.


  4. You live in a cute town- I love the quilt-themed painted bridge!
