Saturday, October 20, 2012

Home Sweet Quilt by Jill Finley Blog Tour

Well, it's finally my turn to tell you how much I love Jill's newest book! And your chance to win a copy of Jill's book for your very own!

There are lots of beautiful projects in Jill's book- I love Jill's fun and energetic color sense. Her projects are sure to brighten up any room- in fact, if you'd like to see some of Jill's quilts displayed in her own home, visit her blog here, where she shares photos from an open house she recently held.

One of my favorite projects from Jill's book, Home Sweet Quilt, is the Shadow Blossom Quilt:

Calming blues and fun pops of red "float" on this quilt. And such gorgeous applique, too. Isn't it lovely? By the way, Jill is an expert at applique and she has products she's developed, such as Appli-glue and Poke-a-Dots, to make your applique projects easier and more beautiful.

Another project from the book that I love is the Cottage Bloom Tablerunner- more of my favorite color, red! (Jill and I seem to have that in common!)

And look at the absolutely yummy colors in these projects:

You can see more photos from the book and purchase a copy  here.

Don't forget to visit all of the designers on the "Blook Tour":

 Sat, Oct 13:     Aurifil Threads
 Sun, Oct. 14:   Linda Lum DeBono
 Mon, Oct 15:   Madame Samm
 Tues, Oct 16:   PamKittyMorning
 Wed, Oct 17:  Amy Ellis
 Thur, Oct 18:   Stitch This (Martingale)
 Fri, Oct 19:     Chitter Chatter Designs                    
                        Gigi's Thimble
Sat, Oct 20:      Jacquelynne Steves  (right here, folks!)
Sun, Oct 21:     Henry Glass Fabrics

Now for the part that I know you have been patiently waiting for- You want to know how to win your own copy, right?
To win, comment here on this post and tell me, what color do you find yourself using all of the time in your projects? Are you a blue lover? Passionate for green? Do you think red is a neutral???

Let me know, and make sure that I can contact you if you win! (If there is no email address connected to your blogger account, or if your email address is not included in your comment, I will have to choose another winner. If you would like, you can leave a comment here and then email me with your email address.)

You must comment by midnight EDT on Tuesday October 23, 2012.

Good Luck!

PS The November Newsletter is on its way. If you're not a subscriber yet, you can sign up on the upper right bar of this blog. It's FREE and the upcoming issue will include:

Directions for this wool project which I have almost completed:

And the recipe for this beautiful and delicious autumn dessert, Caramel and Chocolate Covered Pears:

Plus lots more fun stuff! 


  1. Sou totalmente apaixonada por azul,então já vou sempre escolhendo algum tom para ser usado.Obrigada.

  2. Oh that pear looks yummy! :-)

    I love the quilts in Jill's book. I always think I use a lot of green, but I am a red lover through and through. Every quilt or project has to have a touch of red. :-) Thanks for the chance!

  3. I tend to use red allot but also at lest a little black. I love the colors that are in this book and hope to win a copy of it. She is a wonderful designer.

  4. Last year I seemed to use lots of red! This year I have been using pink! Maybe next year I'll use yellow! Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  5. I'm a red lover but I use a lot of green!
    Thanks for the giveaway! Jill's book looks fabulous - I love the runner!

  6. I love to use the color red!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. Lately my go-to color is Aqua. This looks like a great book, thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Good morning! Well, to answer your questions I dont really have a go-to as I love them all. I do have a favorite quilt thought in greens, blues, purples (jewel tones) and a pop of yellow. I have actually seen a quilt that was made with red as the background color. Quilts can really transform when using a dark or bright for backgrounds - it's a totally different look. Thanks for the chance to win this book. It's not too many quilt books where you love all of the quilt pics that youve seen. PS - the dessert pair looks delicious - Ive got to try that recipe!

  9. Red gets into all my quilts. I never wear it but I use it an awful lot.I love the tablerunner, one to make for me.

  10. I love the quilts in the book. I use a lot of blue. For a while I kept collecting blues, especially for borders so now I continue to use the blues but want to use more bright colors.

  11. I love the quilts in Jill's book. I also love all shades of red. Thank you for the chance.
    a.ladyfarmer at yahoo dot com

  12. One of the best parts of Jill's bloom tour is getting to learn about really great blogs that one might never have found out about. I'm excited to be on your mailing list and to get your newsletter. Your pumpkin recipe looks devine and I just might use it for our quilt guild pot luck this week.
    Thanks and hope I win.

  13. Oh, I always try to sneak something pink in my quilts. Pink makes me glow and it goes perfect with my grayling hair.

  14. I love blue and many of my projects have blue somewhere, be it fabric or embroidery thread or buttons or beads.

  15. My favorite color is red. I love the pop of color. I'd like to add this book to my library. Gorgeous quilts! Thank you!

  16. I am using a lot more bright colors in my quilting and also more blenders than prints. The rusty reds are high on the list right now. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. Judy C in NC

  17. I find myself using green in a lot of my projects...but I really love all of the brights when making quilts for the grandkids. Thanks for hosting this blook event!

  18. I think I use cream color the most but for the "color" I really can't say I have a favorite go to color - it always depends on what I am making at the time and what I have on the shelves.

  19. Blue or purple are my go-to fabric colors...I just keep buying them!

  20. Blue is my favorite color although I find muted reds and greens are my go to for quilts.

    Jill's book is wonderful!

  21. I also love red but have been sewing with a lot of pink and purple since my granddaughter was born. After 5 grandsons this is a welcome break from blue and green!

  22. I love blues and greens in my quilts! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  23. This book looks amazing!! I would love to learn to applique the Jillily way!! Thanks for sharing.

  24. I find that I use an awful lot of green in my quilts which is surprising as my favorite color is red.

  25. I love green - it's Nature's neutral & goes with everything. Thanks for the chance to win.

  26. Red. I think that red goes with every holiday or season in some way. Red Christmas, Red jellybeans at easter, Red - Valentines, I have Red (Burgundy) as my accent color in my house.. Red- Leaves in the fall.. it just goes on for everything in my eyes. LOVE RED!

  27. After the summer I use many nature colors such as orange, brown, greens and for winter quilts normaly I go for the green and reds.
    The color I use the most all over the year is blue.
    thanks for this great give away

  28. I find myself drawn to the color brown and polka dots (not really a color :). I love the table runner and the colors used. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book.

  29. I love using blue - Thank you!

  30. I love blue, but I don't get to use it as much as I want to in my quilts.
    Right now I am working on the 'Bee In My Bonnet Row Along', where we get to work with all imaginable colors there is.
    I adore the quilts in Jill's book!

  31. When I first learned to quilt, an "older" quilter who was a "purist" (everything should be done by hand...cutting, sewing, quilting!) also insisted we always put some purple in our quilts--"it'll make everything else pop!" she insisted. That advice I still heed today..the "everything by hand"?.... I'd still be on my first quilt!!

  32. I looked through my stash and I do have a lot more pink fabric than anything else. Or florals with pink in them! I go for anything bright! Thanks for the give away!

  33. My choice today would be red, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Love Jill's use of color. Thanks for the chance to win, and looking forward to your newsletter.. The pears look mmmmmm good

  34. I'm all about blue and have to include it in just about all of my quilts. Thanks!

  35. I'm so excited about the book. It looks wonderful. I'm a green person. Thanks for the give away chance.

  36. my favorite color is RED! but, any of the jewel tones are okay by me -- deep red, purple, green, blue. i hear those are the colors of royalty! yay!!

  37. I love the decorating ideas on this blog--and the recipes! My favorite quilting color (and Jill's?) is red. The past four quilts/wallhanging/tablerunners I have made have been red and white. All different, of course.

  38. I use a lot of blue in quilts. Thanks for the great giveaway! The caramel and chocolate covered pears look delicious!

  39. The designs in this book are so cute. I seem to be drawn to black red and white or neutrals. I've just really bought some turquoise and taupe but haven't used it yet. I think one of the patterns in this book would work well ;)

  40. I love the designs in Jill's book. Red seems to make its way into most of my quilts.


  42. I like to use red also. It gives everything a pop. I really like the Cottage Bloom Tablerunner also.

  43. I use a lot of gray: gray as contrast, gray as neutral, gray as companion. It shines, it complements, I love it.

  44. Colors I love to use are blue, tone on tones, just a small bit of yellows, sneak in reds. But I love greens and earth tones.
    Thanks for giveaway.

  45. My three favorite colors are red, green and yellow. I find myself using them in some form all the time. Sometimes they are darker and sometimes almost pastel.

  46. My favorite color is purple. I don't decorate a lot with it but I do have several quilts with various shades of purple in them.

  47. Oh what a yummy book from the talented Jill...I luv her patterns, her colors are vibrant, and her fabric lines are always 'to die for gorgeous' I'm loving 'red'...thanks for the chance to win the book...:o)

  48. I seem to use a lot of blue. :-). I really like the quilts in Jills's book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  49. I can't wait for your newsletter! I'm delighted the Blook tour introduced us! Of course I also really want to win a copy of the adorable book.

  50. I am passionate for "green". I may not always use green in my projects, but I am always buying green fabric! With this book, I can see using up a lot of my green fabric. This "tour" has been so much fun.

  51. I find myself using blues or browns.
    Love your blog

  52. Lately, I've gone off the deep end for orange. It brings such life to any project!

  53. I love the color blue and it finds it way into life everywhere - clothes, quilts, and home dec. I'm always drawn to blue fabric. I have to make a effort to include other colors. One color I really like and don't use much is yellow. Most shades of yellow do not look good on me and I've always avoided them. Even though I like yellow, I think I avoid yellow in quilts just from prior personal history. I don't know how to really utilize them to their potential. I have two friends whose favorite color is each red. So after being around them and quiling, more red is coming to life in my quilts and it sure makes a difference. Thank you for participating in the BLOOK and giving us a sneak peek at your creativity. I'm on my way to sign up for your newsletter.

  54. I seem to use red alot in things ; I really didn't know I was such a red fan until I started quilting ! :D The projects in Jill's book look great !!! thanks for the fun !

  55. I have been following along on this Blook tour because I LOVE all of the projects I'm seeing that are in this book !!!

    As far as a "go to " color .... I don't seem to have a particular favorite .... I'm very seasonal ..if it's fall, I like fall colors, etc .... but always the clear, pure versions.

    P.S. this is the first I've found your blog and love it !

  56. I LOVE this book. Several years ago, I discovered Henry Glass and his wonderful designers. Love each and everyone of you. Thanks for a chance. I love sewing with black. It is a great neutral and striking. It makes color pop.

  57. When quilting my favorite color changes with each quilt. I don't really have a go to color but I do go to batiks most often. OMG those pears look yummy!

  58. I have tended to match the colour to the project and recipient, but am keen to use red and white in a couple of future projects...and I agree those pears look amazing.

  59. Yes, I pretty much think red is a neutral and I'm drawn to the primary colors. Right now I'm in love with autumn colors. laurelgj(at)aol(dot)com

  60. I am continuously drawn to ROYGBIV (the brighter the better) when making something for myself. For others, I try to tone it down a bit, and choose a color they like.

  61. I have to put a bit of purple/lavender or periwinkle in my quilts. I love Jill's projects that I've seen on the Blook tour. Hope I win the book. Thanks for the chance!

  62. I was happy to see a close-up of the Cottage Bloom Tablerunner. It is exquisite! I love all the projects I've seen in this blook and will admit it will be difficult to decide which of Jill's projects to tackle first. Thanks for the giveaway.

  63. Thanks for the givea.way. I always have to have blue in my projects. Jill's projects look like so much fun to make and they are beautiful E-Mail

  64. I tend to use reds, there is such a variety of hues. Love Jill's table runner. I follow via email. Thank you for the great giveaway.
    jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  65. My favorite color is blue, and much of my home is in red, white, blue, and taupe colors. But there are also a couple rooms in more earthtone colors of brown and green. I didn't used to like red as much as I do now. I also am feeling drawn to orange. Thanks for the chance to win! raybanfandango at hotmail dot com

  66. I use a lot of green in my quilts but lately when i go fabric shopping I find myself buying red. I guess I am due for a red quilt. I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance

  67. Red seems to be always present in everything I make...its the colour by which all others are chosen.I would LOVE to win Jill's book, thanks for the chance. Can't wait for your recipe for the pears!

  68. I love green--especially yellowish greens. My friends tease me about my love of poison greens. I use some in almost every quilt, rug hooking or wool applique piece I do. They can be bright or somewhat subdued but must be slightly poison in color.

    Thanks for doing this!

  69. I always find myself using some shade of blue in everything I make. I set out to not use it,,but somehow by the time I'm finished, it's snuck in there on its own!

  70. I always find myself using blues or aquas in most everything I make. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  71. I love lots of different colors but I usually use yellow in my quilts as a zinger. I do like red too but most often make quilts with blue and green. What I don't use much is white or light backgrounds. I am currently making one of those and it feels very outside my comfort zone.
    I do follow you on face book.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  72. I would sooo love to win this book.
    Jill's style fits me perfectly and the way I quilt and decorate.
    My favorite color is red, but blue is probably my go to color for sewing. Thanks for this offer. I love your blog too and am off to sign up for the newsletter.

  73. I love Jill's book, I really like all the projects, especially the runners and wall hangings. I tend to use a lot of blue or pink, but I love working with most colors.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win Jill's book.

  74. I tend to get stuck on yellow. I prefer it for backgrounds instead of white or cream. Yellow just seems to make all the other colors play nicely together.

    I'm already a follower of your blog and am looking forward to the newsletter.

  75. I am absolutely in love with green. It needs to be olive or lime and I love to put poke-a-dots in each project.

    The book looks so wonderful!

  76. Kaye M. tkmattson@hotmail.comOctober 20, 2012 at 6:09 PM

    For the past 2 years I've been using alot of aqua which I really like. Before that I sewed lots of green fabrics. Jill's new book looks great! She has so many creative ideas

  77. Everything looks so gorgeous in Jill's book. My favourite colour is red too and I'm starting to get quite a collection. I love the question of red being a neutral! Thanks for the chance.

  78. Oh, those pears look so yummy.
    thanks for the giveaway. I find myself using brown fabrics a lot lately.

  79. i'm definately passionate for green! and quilting books like jill's! thanx for the chance to win a copy.

  80. Love Jill's book! Thank you for this great giveaway. Right now I tend to favor the brighter colors, reds, teals, oranges, yellows, blues, in many different shades.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.

  81. These quilts are so gorgeous. Though blue is my favorite color, various shades of yellow are finding their way into my latest quilts. Just a little yellow goes a long way for adding sunshine to a quilt. Jill's quilts for this book are so pretty so please enter my name into the draw too. Thanks for the chance.

  82. I love all the quilts I am seeing in Jill"s new book. Awesome.
    I seem to have blues and greens in most of my quilts.

  83. I love this new book! I have always loved blue but red is beginning to take over.

  84. i use pink a lot thanks for the giveaway

  85. My favorite quilts are scrap quilts, so I tend to use the rainbow! I look for fabric that I think will suit the pattern. Sometimes it will be close to what the designer used, but most times it's completely different. Lately I'm drawn to aqua and peach combinations although I don't try to use them in every quilt.

  86. I love blue and use it in most quilts but RED and Yellow are my passions! What a fun book. Thank you for previewing it!

  87. I have beren using a lot of blues and greens and have found mysefl changing a bit to colors of fall with more rust ..... I guess it is always changing with the season and my mood..... thanks for sharing with us and hosting in the blook.
    in stitches

  88. I love scrap quults so have lots of colour in my quilt.
    My stash seems to have an abundance of green and blues.

  89. I love scrap quults so have lots of colour in my quilt.
    My stash seems to have an abundance of green and blues.

  90. I love scrap quults so have lots of colour in my quilt.
    My stash seems to have an abundance of green and blues.

  91. I was using orange a lot, but now I'm really loving red! My scraps (from years and years) are all over the spectrum!
    Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful book - that table runner is stunning!

  92. I tend to go more towards bluse and purples but I am really loving the colors used in this book.

  93. lately I've noticed I'm drawn to the reds. It also seems like I use a lot of browns. Thanks.

  94. I always seem to have a lot of black on hand -- love a black background, it always makes the blocks pop out. Thanks.

  95. the more I see of this book, the more i NEED a copy!! I use blue all the time, in everything!

  96. Definitely blue. There must be at least some blue in a quilt. And a little dark brown.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  97. what a wonderful give a way. thanks for a chance to win.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  98. I love to use greens! And i always use a lot of white too!

  99. I have been using yellow a lot, in many shades. I had a lot of fabric (in prints) stashed, from butterflies to jungle animals, and they all have some yellow in them.

    I'd love to win this book as the patterns look very appealing and not too hard for a novice like me.

  100. Iam a brights girl, and I use a lot of reds, but I also use black to make the other colors pop. I love the contrast!

  101. I am definitely drawn to red over all other colors with yellow and green as secondaries. I am trying to be a blue convert but seem to be drawn more to the teal and sea glass type blues. No accounting for our tastes, I guess.

  102. There is usually some green in my quilts. However , I am looking to make a two color quilt in red and white with a little black in there too. Enjoyed your autumn inspiration.

  103. I have found myself using a lot of grey in my quilts lately. It seems to have become my favorite "neutral" for now. Other than that, I love to add blue to my quilts. It is such a happy color to me!

    Sandy A

  104. Those pears look so pretty-- and delicious!! And I can't wait to see the finished wool project - it looks beautiful! I've got a collection of wool that I've been saving for something special-- I think this may be it! :-)

    I used to always have something blue in just about every project that I made, but lately I've been loving RED! Even if it's just a tiny bit, the red seems to really make a project POP with excitement! :-) Thanks so much for the chance to win!! :-)

  105. I tend to lean toward green but there isn't a color I won't use!

  106. I often have some green in my quilts, nature's neutral. Thanks for the giveaway.

  107. I find green in most of my projects--love it! Love Jill's new book, too. Would love to win a copy :-)

  108. I don't have a favorite color, but if it is polka-dots of any color I am buying it. Jill's quilts are beautiful. I have been an admirer for a while. I would love to win a copy of her book. Thank you for a chance. janita

  109. Hi from Oz
    I love Jill's book and all the yummy looking quilts. I would guess that my favourite colour use in quilts is red. This includes bright fire engine reds to deep burgundy reds, I love them all and each quilt will most often have a little hint of red
    I guess that's another reason why I so like Jill's book, she uses a lot of reds too
    Thanks for the opportunity to win one

  110. Green! I treat it often as a neutral. like a garden

  111. I love Jill's book! Her quilts and decorating are amazing. I always tend to use blues and greens in quilts. Aqua is great, too. Thank you for participating in this wonderful blog hop featuring Jill's lovely work.

  112. This book looks wonderful! And so does that pear! I use a lot of blues, greens, and them all! Thanks for the chance!

  113. I have to say RED is my go-to color more than any other. Thanks for the chance to win!

  114. There are so many colors that I use, but right now chartreuse green is in everything.

  115. I would usually say blue, but several of my recent projects have not had any blues. I guess I have used white or tan in almost everything. I figure that's why they are called neutrals..

  116. Red is my color. Just love anything red.

  117. Thanks for sharing Jill's book and for sponsoring the great giveaway. I use red a lot as a pop color in my quilts and in decorating in my home. Like you, I love the kitchen table runner as red, yellow, and black would look right at home in my home and I'm going to need to make it soon! I'm going to sign up for your newsletter now - love your wool project and need to see more!

  118. I'm also a fan of using a little red in my projects.

  119. This book looks totally wonderful. I signed up for the newsletter. Looming forward to receiving it.

  120. Yellow seems to be everywhere in my sewing, but I've noticed a lot of taupe in my stash. Lovely blog.

  121. Yellow seems to be everywhere in my sewing, but I've noticed a lot of taupe in my stash. Lovely blog.

  122. I use a lot of beige and browns. Thanks for the opportunity.

  123. I quilt in BRIGHT colors and usually have some red or shades of that hue. Adds spark!

  124. There was a time that Barbie and MaryKay cause me to hate this color but now I find that I love pinks! I rarey have the chance to quilt with pink in autum but am looking forward to spring and summer!!

  125. I love blue. I think I put it in everything I do. Thanks for the giveaway. I went to Jill's openhouse and it was beautiful.
    hickenfam at hotmail dot com

  126. A pumpkin spice color is my go to but I also love red and white - a quilt I'm hoping to make soon.

  127. I use a lot of green in various shades, so I am making a point of trying different colors. I, too, love Jill's use of color, particularly the combinations she puts together.

  128. Green and purple seem to dominate my stash and they are my favorite colors. Thank you for the opportunity to win!!

  129. I have always loved using blue in my projects but in the last year or so of quilting I see more red showing up all of the time. Jill's book looks wonderful.

  130. This month it seems to be green, probably something to do with the 100th birthday of Girl Scout... Next month who knows, red sneaks in alot between the holidays and making things for the son at Texas Tech and folks who were involved w/ sports at UNM.

  131. I am drawn to green, yellow, red, my new color is black. Sewing with any color is a real mood boost for me. Thank you for the opportunity to win!! Di Ann S

  132. I too am a red lover & think you can never have too much of it. I have to force myself to buy other colors of fabric, clothes or whatever else I'm buying. Can't wait to get my own copy of the great looking book.
