Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mixed Media, Color & Design Class by Brenda Pinnick

I am into my second week taking Brenda Pinnick's Mixed Media, Color & Design Class, and I am really having fun!

I first met Brenda at Quilt Market a couple of years ago at a cocktail party hosted by Henry Glass Fabrics. Even though we had both been designing fabric for Henry Glass for a little while, this was our first chance to meet in person. We had a nice conversation, and then "met up" again on various blog hops, etc. I met up with her again in person at a trade show in California this past January, and we have been pals ever since! For me, having a phone conversation with Brenda is like talking to one of my best girl friends from way back when. Don't you love it when you meet someone who is a kindred spirit and who just "gets" you???

So anyhow, when I found out Brenda was teaching an online class, I was so curious and excited. I went to the art supply store with my list in hand and just had a wonderful time browsing.

And now that I am watching the videos and doing the exercises, I'm having so much fun. I am loving learning about all kinds of products on the market that I didn't know existed, and seeing first hand how to use them. I admit, I was kind of in a creative rut (we all hit the wall sometimes, right?), but this class has breathed new life into my creativity and studio space. It's inspiring to learn new techniques and play with colors!

When I had all of my supplies out, and projects underway, and a mess all around, youngest daughter wanted to try, also. She made a gorgeous printed fabric with Gingko leaves from the yard. Which wasn't even part of the class. But she is an over-achiever, so whatever......

It's not too late to sign up! All of the videos are archived on Brenda's website, so you can just jump right in. If you are interested in Brenda's class, click here. I hope you will join us :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to have you in my class, Jacquelynne!
    You're one of a handful of professional artists who are brushing up on color while having fun trying new techniques with mixed media. I LOVE the image your daughter made, too!
