Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Settler's Pride: Re-Boot Time!

I was looking through some of my old blog posts, and came across a bunch of posts with photos from my favorite UFO (you quilters will know that UFO stands for UnFinished Object!) I went to the cupboard in my studio and started pulling out blocks- I have 8 finished! Only 1 block, plus 2 borders to do to finish this project! So why did I set it aside? I don't know- I guess I got busy and figured I'd "get around to it" but forgot all about it. You can click on each photo to see the original post where it was first featured.

This block was finished but never appeared on my blog (I guess I never "got around" to that either!):

This project is a wool applique quilt designed by Maggie Bonanomi. I saw it at a quilt show, fell in love with it, and signed up for the Block of the Month program- way back in 2009! I am glad that I found it in my cupboard- my goal is to get it all finished this winter. I really love stitching wool because there are no edges to turn under, and it's so soft on your fingers when you are working with it. But I have to admit (and this is probably the reason why it got set aside...) I hate doing the prep work, for any applique project, wool or cotton. I don't like cutting out all of those pieces and then pinning or gluing them to the background. But it must be done before you get to the fun part- stitching!

And of course, when I laid all of the blocks out on the floor, Maddie decided to "help" again- she's good at that:

What's your oldest UFO? Or your favorite- the one you really can't wait to get finished? Let me know!

By the way, I had a great time joining Pat Sloan on her American Patchwork & Quilting radio show on Monday. Pat is super fun and friendly and I always enjoy chatting with her. I was really nervous beforehand, but once we got to talking, it was like sitting in a coffee shop with one of your best girlfriends. If you missed the show, you can catch the podcast here.

I spent the weekend re-reading over all of your wonderful comments and suggestions from last week's big giveaway- so many great ideas. It was really hard to pick a winner! The first winner was Marcia W. of Florida who entered via email. She suggested that the free embroidery patterns in the newsletter have some sort of stitch guide. Great idea, Marcia! We will try to do that in future editions of the newsletter. The second winner, chosen randomly, was Judy R. from Oregon. Although her name was chosen randomly, Judy also happened to have some nice suggestions regarding a new name for the newsletter. So congratulations, Marcia and Judy- your prizes are on their way :) And thanks to everyone who took the time to comment and give their suggestions- I really appreciate it and will keep it all in mind over the next several months as we work to improve the newsletter & blog. (I have to say "we" because my husband & kids help me a lot... it takes a village to build a blog ha ha!)


  1. I had to smile when you mentioned your UFO Block of the Month. I have a BOM that's still sitting in envelopes! LOL!
    Just started checking out your blog recently - am really enjoy it. Thanks so much for the hard work you do.

  2. Congratulations to the winners!
    I do love that pattern and love the wools you have in it.
    I have a wool quilt to finish along with a few others, no idea which is the oldest, lol.


  3. I love these blocks and you are so close to the finish line. Can't wait to see this finished.

  4. My oldest UFO is the one I started in 1998. This might not seem like a long time but I graduated from high school at the end of 1994!!!
    I am looking forward to finishing it eventually. I also love the quilt that I started when I found out I was pregnant with my now nearly three year old.

  5. Working with wool is something I want to try soon! Those blocks are wonderful. My current UFO is my Fruitful Hands project, and my oldest is some fourpatch blocks that I started thirty years ago! LOL

  6. I have 3 UFO's I really need to finish up.
    A Dear Jane... I know that one may never get finished:) ha ha!!!
    A Dear Jane in Machine Emb... it might get done
    And a cat hand applique quilt. Will def work on that one next year!
    And then of course there are a few boxes of quilts with everything in them to make just need to make them:) Oh and I have about 6 to quilt:) I quilt everybody else's but not mine:) Oh well.....Good thing there is always next year:)

  7. Congratulations to the winners. This surely is a lovely quilt, the colors are so warm and inviting. As for many to count, I need to do the Pat Sloan sort....finish, redo or give away!

  8. Maddie is sew helpful. I mean she had to inspect your project.;o)
    I have too many projects to even count. LOL
