Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bits & Pieces

Hi there, everyone! Sorry, the blog is not getting much luv this week.... there is a lot going on, but I fear that it's nothing you'd be interested in seeing or hearing about! My husband and I have taken apart the guest room upstairs and we're getting ready to paint. There are boxes of Ikea furniture waiting to be assembled. It's not worth showing you the "before" photos without the "after" photos!

I have mentioned a couple of times that I am re-doing my website and blog. It is fun and exciting and nerve-wracking! I think it's going to look really great, but there's so much to do and it's a little overwhelming. Plus, I always have a fear that the minute I get something done, I will think of something I should have done differently. (Remember I mentioned that when I was talking about the pressure I was putting on myself regarding my book? Yeah....) Anyway, the new website will be up around the first week in May. And the book is nearing the finish line- I just have some technical stuff to do now.

There are some major changes coming to my business! There is a lot of stuff I have been thinking about since last fall.... I have talked to a couple of "smarties" in the creative and professional worlds, plus I have been driving my family crazy with questions.... Should I do this? Should I do that? Do you think this would work? Why do you think that isn't working???? And of course praying and meditating on it. I think I'm headed in the right direction.... but I guess I won't know for sure until I jump in, right? In a few days, I'll share some of my thoughts and new ideas with you...

Now for some fun news- I will once again be on Pat Sloan's American Patchwork & Quilting Radio Show. Tune in at 4 pm EST on Monday March 4 by clicking here.

If you've never listened to the show, you really should give it a try. The guests are always so interesting and come from so many different sides of the quilting and creative worlds- I think that even if you're not necessarily a quilter, but a person who enjoys creativity, you will get something out of it.

On March 4, I will be on the show with Quilts for Kids Founding President Linda Arye. Below is a picture of me and Linda taken at Quilt Market.

Finally, Mary on Lake Pulaski is giving away my Happy Town fabric- so click here to enter!

By the way, have you picked up your FREE pattern for the Happy Town fabric line? You can get the PDF by clicking here.

So what are you doing this week? Something fun and creative? Maybe some stuff around the house that just needs to get done?


  1. Getting over a sinus cold, lol.
    Working on small projects and thinking about all the projects I want to do;)


    1. A cold doesn't sound fun, Debbie! But at least it's a good excuse to stay in and sew :)

  2. We just put new flooring in 3 rooms of our house last week, while taking care of our 3 year old granddaughter. Talk about exhausting!

    1. That DOES sound exhausting, ha ha. We have been meaning to work on this room for a very long time.... it was time to just stop talking about it and do it :)
