Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wonky Cakes & Wonky Quilt Blocks

Daughter celebrated her 18th birthday over the weekend (18! She's 18, folks! How did that happen??)
She had a party for some of her friends- it was very fun, and very loud. She made a birthday cake, but when she frosted it, it just started to collapse. I guess the icing was too heavy (cream cheese....) We watched it just crack and start to fall, powerless to stop its imminent demise: 
We tried putting skewers in it to hold it together but that seemed to make it worse! 

So we had just an hour till the party was to start... What were we to do?
We picked it up and plopped it into a large trifle bowl, sprinkled it with chocolate chips and sprinkles, and stuck a candle in it. Voila! Cake bowl!
To be honest, I think it was even better this way because the icing mixed in with the cake... We might do this again some time- on purpose!

Today I am working on a Wonky Log Cabin Block. This is what I have so far:
I have never made a wonky block before (well, not on purpose!), but I've been wanting to give it a try for a long time. I'm going to keep on working on it... I have special plans for the block when I'm done, so stop back later this week to see how it turns out.

I tend to be a Type A, driven perfectionist- I like things to be a certain way, and I like everything to go as planned. But Life isn't perfect, is it? Sometimes you have to embrace the wonkiness and just go with it.... And sometimes it's fun to be wonky on purpose, just for fun. What have been some of your best "mistakes"?? Was it a project in the sewing room? A recipe that "failed" but still came out great?

PS Barb at Bejeweled Quilts is giving away some of my fabric- please stop by and say Hi and enter to win, and see the cute projects she has been working on.


  1. Now that looks like the cakes I make! What a genius your daughter is! Smile!

    1. Yes, well, we prefer to think of it as a "Rustic Trifle"!

  2. That cake looks yummy, just meant it was super moist, lol.
    We lost power and just got it back late yesterday and at the same time, my cable box died, so we finally got that replaced this morning.


    1. Wow Debbie- sounds like you are having a rough time of it! Hope all is well soon :)

  3. Lol. Love the cake. Good luck trying to duplicate that special recipe.

    1. Shouldn't be too hard... maybe we'll just drop the next one on the floor... whoops!

  4. Love the cake bowl! I made a king sized wonky log cabin quilt and it was so much fun! :0)

    1. I love how my blocks came out (they'll be on the blog on Thursday.) I would love to make more!

  5. Way to exemplify that old adage "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade"! (or in this case a cake bowl) How fun and it looks yummy!

    1. Ha ha Cathy- that's exactly the phrase that was going through my mind at the time.....

  6. I think I will make cake bowls on purpose now...more icing! And chocolate!

    1. Yes and this way you don't have to worry about your frosting being perfect :)

  7. Good idea it looks delicious. I am guessing your daughters friends loved it also. I agree I think it tastes better with everything mushed together. My son started that in our family. Every time we had cake he would mush it all up and when we asked him why he said it tasted better that way and especially with ice cream added. I have a cookbook called the Whimsical Bakehouse that has directions for making a purposely wonky cake and it is a beautiful cake.

    1. A few years ago I went to some cake shows and the wonky cakes were all the rage- kind of looked like Dr. Seuss took over the bakery!

  8. Great compromise, no waste and no one needs to know what really happened.
