Friday, February 8, 2013

Un-Recipe : A Stromboli-Like Thing

I remember when I was a kid, my grandmother would always make Pepperoni Bread for special occasions and it would get gobbled up... She never showed me how to make it, but I think it was basically frozen dough, provolone cheese and sliced pepperoni all rolled up and baked, kind of like a stromboli. Last week I had some pizza dough in the freezer, but no provolone or pepperoni. Hmmm..... what to do, what to do.....

I scrounged around in the fridge and found some cheddar cheese and turkey... but it needed something for flavor because turkey is a little blah compared to pepperoni... How about some hot pepper relish? Yeah, that's the ticket.... And some cream cheese to hold it all together....

So this is what I did:

  • Defrosted frozen pizza dough according to the package directions.
  • Mixed the cream cheese with the pepper relish.
  • Rolled the dough into a rectangular-ish/oval-ish shape.
  • Spread cream cheese pepper mixture over dough. Placed turkey slices on top, then sprinkled the whole thing with shredded cheddar cheese.

  • Rolled it up and tucked the ends over the seam.

  • Placed on greased foil with seam down and cut a few slits in the top.

  • Baked at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  • Cut into slices.
  • Devoured.
If you have pizza dough in your freezer, you can roll it up and bake it with whatever you have on hand... I laid in bed last night and thought of some other combinations (yes, these things do keep me awake at night)....

  • Dijon mustard spread over dough, Swiss cheese, ham
  • Marinara sauce and mozzarella
  • Cooked ground beef or turkey, canned chilies or powdered taco seasoning mixed with cream cheese, cheddar cheese
  • Cream cheese mixed with chutney or cranberry relish, sliced turkey or chicken, maybe even some leftover stuffing?? (oooh that sounds good....)
  • Of course.... pepperoni and provolone

Do you have any other ideas for fillings? Do you have an ingredient or two that you always keep in your freezer or pantry??

PS Don't forget about our Fabulously Stupendous Giveaway going on this week.... click here to enter.


  1. Wow that really looks yummy. I don't have pizza dough in the freezer but it's really quick and easy to make. I'm going to give this a try. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Wow I'm impressed that you make your own dough! I generally take whatever shortcuts I can ha ha....

  2. Mmmmm I make stromboli like things all the time! Yours sounds delicious! I used some ragu, left over roast, fried potatoes and cheese one time and my son swears it is the best one I ever made. I usually just toss whatever I have in it and I've not made an icky one yet. I don't think you can go far wrong if there is cheese and pizza dough involved. LOL!

    1. That's what I was thinking- if you wrap it in cheese and pizza dough how bad could it be??

  3. I make something similar that has always been my family's favorite recipe. I make a batch of bread dough in the bread maker, roll it out, and top with shredded mozzarella and provolone cheese and browned sausage. I use turkey sausage when I can get it, or sausage for pizza works, too. Brown it in a skillet and drain it before putting it on the dough/cheese. Roll up and bake like you did. I put foil over it for the first 15 minutes and then take it off for 15 minutes so it doesn't get too brown. It's a little different than using pizza dough, but that would work, too. The Rhodes bread dough (thawed) will work if you don't want to make the dough in a bread maker. I bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

    1. That sounds really good, Kathy. It would actually be good for breakfast too, don't you think?

  4. Sounds really good and super easy. Thanx for a good tip!

    1. You're welcome Audrey! The best part is that you can just use up whatever you have in your fridge/freezer/pantry.... I am going to have to remember to have the frozen dough in the freezer all the time.

  5. Barb sent me here. That recipe is making my mouth water.

  6. I make Sausage Bread for big holidays. Roll out frozen bread or pizza dough (I actually make dough in my bread machine, and have been known to add herbs and garlic.) About 8 oz cooked/drained/crumbled sausage, 8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese, 1/4 cup grated parmesan or romano cheese, and one beaten egg. You can't roll as tightly as your picture, and I form it into a crescent shape brush with egg white and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake about 30 minutes. Yours looks beautiful! I'll have to try cutting slits the next time.

    1. That sounds really good too! Oh my- the ideas just keep on coming ha ha!So much food, so little time....

  7. Oh yum! You are making me want to pull out my stromboli recipe too! LOL Have a happy weekend!

    1. It's so easy, I don't know why I don't make it more often.

  8. Oh my goodness.....just popped over to see what you were up to, and now I think I will go and see what leftovers I have. I am pretty sure I have a roll of pizza dough in the back of the fridge.....(wanders off to kitchen) Heehee!

  9. I always have chocolate chips and pecans...what does that say about me????? Sure looks yummy...I'll have to give this a shot the next time I am at my daughter's or my dad's house...hubs is diabetic and all the carbs in the bread (best part) would not be a good thing :(

    1. OK chocolate chips and pecans- I didn't even consider the dessert possibilities! Brush the top with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar?????

  10. I would love this with cream cheese, olive salad (like used on a muffelata) and some mozzarella to top it with.

  11. Oh my goodness....I now have a new recipe... I wanted to try 3 different things this coming week...I am thinking of making something like a dessert roll up... like they make dessert pizza's.... Then thinking of making a breakfast one... now on to a dinner one... I like the idea of a ham and cheese one you made...The ideas are unlimited.... Yummy...Thanks for sharing it with us...Lisa

  12. Fabulous giveaway over at A Quilt and A Prayer of your fabrics - thank you!!!!!

  13. Wow you know you come a crossed a recipe every now and again that sounds so good you just have to make it well this is one of those for me...yummmmm...thanks for sharing.
    I already gt your newsletter and updates but the fabrics you are giving away are just awesome...thank you

  14. Good Morning Jacquelynne. I just came from Teresa's blog at A Quilt And A Prayer where she is giving away some of your fabric. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for offering your beautiful fabrics for this giveaway. It is so generous of you. Someone is going to be a very happy, lucky person--hopefully me! Thanks again!

    1. Hi Joyce- Welcome! For anyone else interested, you can enter Teresa's giveaway here It runs until Feb. 15. Good luck!

  15. I love that kind of thing ...everything all in one! I plan on making one next time I have the kids over. THey will love it! I came to look at fabric/quilting...but got a recipe instead....hey, TOTALLY works for me!!!

    1. We do a little bit of everything here... sewing, cooking, crafting.... glad you like the "un-recipe"!

  16. Receipe sounds delicious. Just wanted to say I was looking at your Happytown fabric at the Fat Quarter Shop and I like it. It would make a cute quilt for a little boy.

  17. I too came from Teresa's page.. And I am so glad I did,. First, thank you for your fabric donation for her giveaway. Hopefully I will win. Second, I am starving now...haha. So have you ever frozen this? I thought that would be good for our next quilt retreat. We do overnight retreats at a church camp but we want as much as possible done on food before hand so we can sew more... Thanks again..

    1. No Angela, I have not tried freezing it. You probably could, but I'm not sure if it would be best to freeze it before or after you bake it... Does anyone else have any suggestions?

  18. I just found your page after reading Teresa's blog. Thanks for such a generous giveaway on her blog! This recipe sounds delicious by the way. I would probably love this recipe with mozarella and tomato slices and some pesto on top: very easy but delicious :)

  19. HOT POCKET...... I made one today.. Smoked wrapped bacon ham (from Walmarts deli) and shreddred cheese...I took a picture of it and someone responded to it saying it was a hot pocket....but a huge hot pocket and my hubby LOVED it... Thanks again for sharing your new recipe....Lisa

    1. I'm sure it was soooooo much better than a Hot Pocket!

  20. I use to make Stromboli's all the time when the kids were in their teens,, one of their favorites.. but I used frozen bread dough, with ham, onions, green peppers, and mozzarella cheese.. or we would make Antoli's with cooked wafer sliced beef, onions and cheesewiz.. kind of like a cheese steak all rolled up.. now I am hungry for one of those..

    1. How different do you think bread dough is from pizza dough? Sounds like you could use either one??

  21. I just began following you today. I went to see your fabric lines and I just have to say that I adore them. I have not seen them before and I fell in love with every line you have. I must go shopping now to find your lines. I cannot wait to get my hands on some of your fabric. Thank you for being so creative. Have a blessed day :)
