Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Throwback Post: A Romantic Idea

This post originally appeared on my blog in February of 2012.

Daughter and her fiance were many miles apart on Valentine's Day, and she had a really cute, romantic idea. I could not show the idea before Valentine's Day, because I didn't want to ruin the surprise for her fiance. But you could use this idea for a birthday or any other special occasion. 

Daughter found a simple recipe that both she and her fiance could make on Valentine's Day. She typed up the recipe and made it into a pretty booklet using scrapbook paper, ribbon, etc. She mailed it to her fiance with directions not to open it until the morning of Valentine's Day.

She also arranged for the delivery of the required groceries to him on Valentine's Day. Then they cooked and ate dinner "together" via Skype on Valentine's Day.

Isn't that cute??

PS Don't for the giveaway going on this week! Great prize :)  Click here to enter.
Also, visit Lily Pad Quilting to see what Snoodles has made with my Fruitful Hands fabric :)


  1. That is a really sweet idea and a nice way that they could share the day together in thought.


  2. That was such a cute idea. I loved the table runner that Snoodles made with your Fruitful Hands fabric.

  3. Aww, that really is sweet....I recall reading that last year. So wonderful to see them married and making a life together now - and how nice that they are near you!

  4. Oh what a sweet idea! My husband and I got engaged and then started dating so we would watch the same movie via phone!

    I just love your idea though (Our phone dates were 9.5 years ago not as much Skype going on in our world, lol). Thanks so much for Sharing! [I came over from Needlemom]
