Monday, February 4, 2013

WooHoo! Giveaway Time!

Thanks to everyone for your great feedback regarding the Newsletter we sent out last week! So now, a little "reward" for you...

Here is the giveaway prize:
A collection of 10 spools of Aurifil thread, the adorable book "Sewing Bits & Pieces" by Sandi Henderson, and a collection of patterns. Retail value is approximately $75.00.

Second prize will be a collection of patterns. Retail value is approximately $25.00.

To enter, comment on this post and tell me which version of the newsletter you liked best and why (links to both versions are below.) Also if you could tell me what is your favorite feature for this issue, that would be very helpful also. (And any other thoughts or ideas regarding future issues are always welcome!)

Please comment by 11:59 pm EST on Monday, February 11, 2013.

Winners will be chosen at random.

Here are links to both versions of the newsletter- the email version and the magazine version.

(And if you're not a subscriber yet but would like to be, click here. It's free.)

Good luck!


  1. I like the email version because I can save the email and look at it over and over. I'm not sure if I could download the magazine version or not. Love it either way.
    I am also a follower.

    1. Your email will always contain the link for the magazine (which is good forever), so with the magazine format you would still be able to refer to your email in the future. Thanks for your comment!

  2. I like the email version, but when I clicked on the link to the magazine, I just got the page, but nothing else happened, I just got the picture of the cover and nothing happened when I clicked on it, maybe it was me? Using a Mac and safari.


    1. Debbie- you probably needed to click on the cover to open the whole magazine, and then just start "flipping" the pages to see the rest... Hope this helps.

  3. I liked the magazine version. I could turn the pages and zoom in to what I was interested in. The part I liked best was the February crafts. So simple yet so darn cute. I'll read your newsletter no matter what version you send.
    Thanks for a great newsletter and for the giveaway

  4. The geek in me loved the magazine version. It was technically amazing.

    The practical side of me was happy with the plane format. I actually read a lot on my phone, and it fit better there.

    Either way your publication wax wonderful.

  5. I like the email version. It comes to my inbox, I can scroll through and then can save it. The magazine version is nice too but not necessary for me. The email looks great and is easy to use. Thanks for the give-away!

  6. I loved the magazine version. Easy to flip the pages and see what's inside!

  7. I loved your magazine version, so much stuff in there and very pretty. I liked that there was a bit of everything in there recipes, patterns and an inspiring article.
    Thank you for all the work you do!

  8. The magazine version looks very spiffy. I think what I like most is the variety of things to look at, not just one thing. The pictures are wonderful.:)

  9. mark me down for Email version, I can see pros both ways, for me email is easier.
    looks like from the responses you might have to do both- sorry cw

  10. I LOVED the magazine version! The photos, links, recipes - all of it! Hooray for you!

  11. The magazine version is absolutely beautiful. The only problem I could see would be that some of the text is pretty small and might be hard for some to read. Thank you so much for the chance to win some amazing goodies!

    1. Hi Laura! The magazine allows you to zoom in, so you can make the text and everything else bigger for easier viewing if necessary.

  12. I like the magazine version - I liked flipping through!
    Great content too! Thanks!

  13. I love the magazine version very much. But I find it easier to print stuff like your free pattern or the recipes to try myself in the email version. But in both ways it is a beautiful newsletter. Well done!

  14. The magazine version is very nice and magazine like. Most of all the content is superb! Thanks for a good read.

  15. I prefer the e-mail version over the magazine. All your pictures were beautiful and I enjoyed the heart crafts and the recipes.

  16. I loved the magazine version very much! My favorite part is the stitchery patterns you share - always so cute!!! Followed closely by recipes - yum! Or maybe second would be the cute little holiday crafts? There's just no way to choose favorites! I did have a hard time figuring out how to print out the pattern from the magazine. Perhaps some instructions on that would be helpful? Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!!

  17. I love the email version - very convenient to read it while checking all my other emails!

  18. I really enjoyed both, but if I had to choose one I would say I liked the magazine version a bit better. Thank you for the Newsletters! They are wonderful!!!!!!

  19. I'm like CathyK. I love both versions but myfavourite is the magazine style. Flipping the pages was just like reading an actual magazine. I enjoyed reading all of it. The "Things we Love" section is great to see new ideas. Thanks for a great newsletter Jacquelynne.

  20. I like the layout of the magazine,but i prefer having the issue in my email box so i can collect them. =)

  21. What I'm going to make are the sweetheart cookies for my Secret Sister. She will really like them.

  22. I love the magazine version but with email it is a bit easier for phone reading of the newletter. I guess both would be the best of both worlds. I love the free pattern for the cute cupcake.

  23. I love the magazine version of the newletter - what fun!

  24. Awesome. Email version is great.

  25. I love the e-mail version! It loads so much quicker and has links to all those great projects, eats and goodies!!

  26. Really, really like the magazine version - like leafing through it! What I like the most about the Newsletter is the variety of things - from recipes to patterns to plain inspiration and fun! Thank you!

  27. The magazine version is fun ("leafing" through it), but I like to be able to quickly copy and paste items like the recipes, or to get the pdfs for the craft projects. Such a great variety of items in each issue - I loved the heart crafts this month. Thanks for the inspiration!

  28. I like the email version. I like both but when i get the email I sit and read through it all. Sometimes with a magazine I forget to go to it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  29. Both are great, personally I prefer the email version as it is more convienient

  30. Very nice...they are both nice but the magazine seems more detailed and the layout is great. Congratulations.

  31. I like the email version. The email looks great and is easy to use. Thanks for the give-away!

  32. I like the email version. The email looks great and is easy to use. Thanks for the give-away!

  33. I liked the magazine version best, probably because I am an avid reader and it was more like a hard copy. The graphics were good on both versions but the font was easier on the eyes in the magazine version. Loved the content!

  34. I love mag version like to in my hands thanks

  35. I like the magazine version. It make it feel like your reading a real magazine with the way the pages flip. I can't wait to try the sweetheart cookie recipe and your cupcake cute! Thanks

  36. I like the email version. I mostly access the internet with my phone so simple is better.

  37. I prefer the e-mail version. It is more convenient to just scroll down and read all of it while I am reading my e-mails. There was a lot more to do to read the magazine. I loved the sweetheart cookie receipe and the stichery, of course, but I really enjoy all of it. Thank you for a great newsletter and for the giveaway.

  38. I love the magazine and I also like the email.... I can not choose which was the best part...I loved it all...I have gone back to it a few times...I have enjoyed it so much...and I passed it on to others to..Lisa

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I like both versions. The email version was easier and faster to read while the magazine had more pictures. I'll read it either way.

  41. I like either way as long as I can file it for later down the track when I need it. I mainly read it for the fabrics as I don't do a lot of cooking on my own. But I still luv reading recipes and modernizations to them too, and occasionally trying one or two out...

  42. I prefer the magazine version, I always prefer reading magazines to emails. Thanks for the giveaway. Linda

  43. While I do like the e-mail version, there is nothing like flipping through the beautifully organized and displayed magazine! Thanks for offering both, and for the wonderful giveaway.

  44. I like the email version better, truthfully in the magazine format I have trouble really paying attention, and I scan pictures more and read words less (have that problem with my digital subscription to mollie makes)

  45. I like the email version! The magazine version is great as well, though! I read it front to back and can't wait to try the packets and puff pastry cookies! Yumm! God bless!

  46. I loved reading the email version last week. But I just flipped through the magazine and it was really nice! You put a lot of work into both, and it shows. They were lovely and well done. But next email, I'm checking the magazine! Thanks!

  47. I really loved reading the newsletter... beautiful layout and easy to read!! I want to try out a couple of recipes too!! Thanks!!

  48. I loved the magazine version it is beautiful and there is that cute back cover with the adorable mouse in the teacup from your first fabric line. I like that with the magazine you can make it larger so it is easier to read. The only issue that I had was when I wanted to download your embroidery design it looks like I have to create an account to do that so I will probably read the magazine and then use the newsletter to download the embroidery designs. Amazing job you and your family have done thank you so much.

  49. I liked both~ but the email version is easiest for me. I spend too much time on the computer and to receive it in my email works great. I know both must have taken a lot of work! My favorite part was the cookie recipe this time. And I love the photo's! So much inspiration! Thanks for the fun giveaway too!

  50. I liked the magazine version - so fresh and modern. However, the zoom was difficult (probably the operator) and I found myself going back to the email version for an easier read. Either way I love your newsletter!

  51. I love the email version because it so convenient to read and I can save them in a folder

  52. e-mail version is fine with me!

  53. I prefer the magazine version. But, no matter how I receive it, I do love receiving it!! Be especially blessed...

  54. I enjoyed the magazine version. I literally felt like I was reading a magazine. I wish I could have downloaded it as a pdf to view on my ipad. If so, I would be more inclined to refer back to it again and again. Either way you go, I will remain a loyal subscriber and follower. Thanks for asking!

  55. I like the magazine version, so I can "flip" though the pages. Love either one, though.

  56. I like the email version the best, because I can just scroll down through it. I loved the recipe for the sweetheart cookies in this one! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

  57. I really like the email version, but both are just lovely to view and read.

  58. My favorite was the magazine version!! I liked being able to easily turn the pages and I think it is just refreshing to have a new way to look at newsletters. You did a great job on the creation of it!

  59. loved the magazine and the variety of content ... seems there was a lot more content, all of which i liked; it was all appropriate for february.

  60. I love the magazine! It is much easier to read and to print what I want. And I can zoom in really closely on it! The recipes and stitcheries are my favorites.

    Thanks for the fun give away,
    Sandy A

  61. I like them both but prefer the email version because I can save it and it is very convenient having it in with the rest of my emails.

  62. I enjoyed the newsletters reciped and the photography was phenominal. I must be old fashioned. Preferred the emailed version. Conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  63. I love the magazine version. It looks amazing and just flipping through it was fun. The layout and amount of details to see are much better in the magazine in my opinion :) I spent alot more time going over the magazine than I did in the newsletter and got much more out of it. Thanks for the giveaway too, I would love to win that thread!! It has been on my wishlist :)

  64. Both are nice, but I like to flip through the pages of the magazine version, and like to be able to enlarge the pages with just a click. Thanks for the giveaway-would love to be able to try the Aurifil thread I've heard so much about!! Love the variety in your newsletter, from quilts to stitchery to recipes.

  65. I think I like the email version the best. It just seems easier to read through. It is novel to flip the pages but just seems more trouble to enlarge, etc. My favorite feature was the heart craft.

  66. this is a wonderful give a way. thanks for a chance to win. but i cant open either version. i went to sign up at issuu and it told me not to close that page while they sent a confirmation email. it never arrived, anywhere. and i had that page open for 4 hours. sigh. im thinking that my computer is just too old. really wanted to see it.

  67. I liked the email version because I thought it was easier to read - I didn't have to adjust the zoom. The issue was wonderful! I loved the craft projects and the recipes. I'm going to try every one! Thanks so much for sharing! I'm so glad I discovered this newsletter.

  68. I like them both, but like the Magazine the most. I love the crafts and the sweetheart cookies look pretty yummy. Thank you for the chance at the giveaway. Looking forward to your new pattern in February.

  69. They are both Awesome!! For my dial-up computer version is easier for me. Thanks for all the cool things you share tho...embroideries, recipes, ideas...just way fun!! :)

  70. I like the magazine version just to eliminate scrolling, but the email version is easier to read - black on white is easier to read than the white on pink or the red on white. Also the print in the email is larger than in the emag. Love the recipes and the pictures of the recipes - nice to know what it is supposed to look like!!! Great crafts too! Thank you for all you do for all of us!

  71. thank you for this lovely give away!
    i really enjoyed the lay-out and the colours of you magazine, esthetically i prefer this to the email format. however, reading your magazine on my iPad, the letters are too small for comfortable reading, therefore i must say i still would like to keep the possibility of the email newsletter.
    loved the recipe for sweetheart cookies! will try those on hubby next week <3

  72. anonymous (above) being:

  73. Thanks for the giveaway. Came over from Lily Pad Quilting! like the crafty bits.

  74. I like the e-mail version. I am afraid to download magazines on my computer because I use my computer for work and I am never sure how much space things take up and so forth. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway. Padsworth send me (from Lily Pad Quilting.)

  75. I like the Magazine. I like the variety in it!

  76. I had only seen the email version until now, but I love the magazine version. Email is easier to read the print, but I love the layout of the magazine and being about to really see one topic as an article.

  77. I loved the magazine version. Easy to flip the pages and see what's inside! I love the recipes in it. Always looking for new recipes!!

  78. I loved the magazine version - it was gorgeous, but it didn't open all the way for me. I actually prefer the email version. Magazine versions a lot of times I don't open right away, if at all, but email versions I ALWAYS read right away! I LOVE the patterns, too! The cupcake stitchery pattern would make an adorable Valentine or birthday themed mug rug!

  79. I enjoyed bother version but the email version is the one I prefer. I really the cupcake stitchery and the craft project.

  80. I think I prefer the email version. I like it so much I subscribed. You cover quite a variety of topics. Keep it up.

  81. Good morning! It is finally sunny here in Central NY. As a web and graphic designer, sewer and quilter who loves to cook, I love the magazine newsletter. It is very well laid out, looks beautiful and contains so much information. Samantha, you did an awesome job.

    Not everyone, as you can see by the above comments, are going to be able to view the magazine properly, or at all, depending on their browser settings (if they allow flash scripts to run, or even have flash player installed. Which, if you go with a magazine only newsletter, may drive some of your followers away.It is all about usability.

    While I love the magazine version, if you are thinking of how best to reach your subscribers, then the email newsletter is the way to go, which is also well laid out, looks beautiful, and nice to read and will work for everyone.

    The recipes, the crafts and the links you provided make your newsletter very entertaining, and a pleasure to read. It is very well thought out and well written. I have subscribed.

    I think we shall have Bundled up Chicken for dinner tonight. Thank you for the recipe.

  82. The magazine version version worked well for me. I just love the variety and the layout was beautiful.

  83. I love the magazine version. It is easier to print just part of the content with this format. I love the Valentine projects!

  84. I like both actually! Valentine projects are super fun! Going to make some hearts for my grandkids...easy and cute! I already get your newsletter and enjoy all the info!

  85. magazine version is my choice at least at this time... and I just love Valentine projects

  86. I prefer the email version better. I only have internet on my phone. I like to save your blog and read it over and over

  87. I prefer the email version, it seems like a more "natural" way to view it. Thanks for the great content.

  88. I like both versions. The magazine is very attractive. I'm happy as long as I can download a pdf version.

  89. I liked the email version but also enjoyed reading the magazine version. For me it depends if I'm reading it in my lunch break (email) or relaxing in a comfy chair at home after work (magazine). Both very attractive.

    I liked the little stitchery which I've downloaded to make over the next week or two and the hearts are a decoration I've made before and forgotten about so we will be making some at Guides next week in time for Valentines day.

  90. I honestly have not made up my mind.I am leaning towards the email version but could be a magazine lover. At first I was going to say I could not see the print in the magazine but found I can enlarge it. The content and colors are amazing in the print and you do think you have a "real" magazine. It may just be a "I don't like change thing". Good Job.

  91. I love the magazine version...It was just so very modern and I got a kick out of the way it is layed out....ok; Im old school..haha. I found it fascinating.

  92. I love the magazine version the best. I just have always loved magazines that are beautiful and inspirational. I love being able to focus on just the page I'm looking at and turn it when I'm ready. thank you for the chance!

  93. I liked the email version best, it was easier to read. But so worth it! You've done a great job!

  94. I really like the magazine edition. It lookded so professionaly done.

  95. I like the magazine version best. The stitchery project was my favorite. You did a great job on the magazine. Thanks for the giveaway.

  96. I like the email version. I couldn't figure out how to open the pages of the magazine version, and the email version looks very nice as is.

  97. Both, the email newsletter and magazine are equally great, but I prefer the magazine. The magazine seems to hold more data, pics on one page. Love it....especially the 'Sweetheart Cookie', and I'm definitely going to make these for my darling husband for Valentine's Day. Thank You, K Devaney,

  98. I really like them both, but I'm more likely to read the email version. Also my favorite feature is the This Issue's Craft: Fabric Hearts and the February Stitchery Pattern. Loving the whole magazine, I know these are a lot of work. Great job!

  99. I like the email version because I use my phone.

  100. I like both. However, if I really have to just select one, I will opt for the magazine version (always love browsing magazines). Thanks for the giveaway.

  101. Definitely the magazine format. I really enjoyed your Feb issue.

  102. I just found your blog, and am enjoying reading back posts. I would love to get the email version of your magazine. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  103. I like the email version...just seemed simpler to me to read. I also enjoyed the orange almond biscotti recipe. Thanks.

  104. Schnozzles and Paddington sent me! I liked the look of the magazine layout better. Being vegan and without skin kids, the content was not up my alley, but I LOVE YOUR TOTE BAG!!!

    Good luck with your future endeavors. I'm sure typical non vegan skin kid parents love your stuff and your new fabric.

  105. I really like the magazine version. I was user friendly and the layout was really enjoyable. Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful prizes.

  106. I like the new version best and my favorite feature is always the embroidery design.

  107. I find it easier to scroll through the e-mail version.

  108. I like the email version better for several reasons. I can save it and it is easier to scroll through.

  109. I recieved the e-mail version and had a wonderful time browsing throught he pages. I like the individual crafts and plan on making several of them. I did print off the embroidery design, so cute! Keep up the good work and keep your daughter helping you. She has great creativity.

  110. I think I like the magazine the best. Maybe because it is different. Don't know if I like the patterns or the what we love the best. Liked all of it. Great job.

  111. I love the magazine version. IT was great to flip through the pages. thanks for a great give a way

  112. I prefer the email version. I work on the computer all day, and I like to read through the blogs I follow quickly so I don't have to spend any more time than necessary on the computer. The magazine takes more time to view. I prefer the layout of the email also.

  113. I really like the magazine format. Great fun stuff!

  114. I LOVE the magazine format, although I would like to get both. I found the magazine, to be a little slow to load, but that could just be my horrible computer. I would love to save the magazine version, but read it for the first time in my email. However if I had to choose, I would pick magazine overall. It's beautiful! I like that you can look as a single or double view. It's a little blurry to read as a double view, but after you read the text, I like to look at the pictures all together. I like that you can move around the page to see the part you are reading. You don't notice how much you miss by scrolling down the page! I love the magazine. Thanks for the hard work!


  115. I like the email version better - its just a continuous scrolling of pages instead of clicking to turn the page. :) And I like how you have links for recipes & patterns. I especially love the pinwheel quilt pattern link. :)

  116. I like the email version because it is available as soon as it arrives but I also love the other version as it is easy to read and negotiate.
    I love the fact that there are links in the newsletter. Fantastic job, thanks so much for taking the time to create such a great newsletter.

  117. I have been a subscriber for a while, and I prefer the email version. I looked at the magazine version, and it is harder for me to read. But I do not care for other e-magazines either. Just my preference.

  118. Just signed up for your newsletter - email version preferred. You have a lovely Blog. Would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

  119. I like them both for different reasons. Ultimately, the email version suits my purposes best despite the pretty bells and whistles of the other. If I'm using my iPad while waiting for an appointment, I'd opt for the magazine format. But if I'm mixing work with pleasure and am in a hurry, which is usually the case, I will prefer the email version

    The magazine is beautiful either way. Love the recipes and craft.

  120. I'm a new subscriber & read both versions. The newsletter is nice, but I really like the e-magazine version. So easy toi viw & find what interests me (which is actually all of it!). Great work.

  121. I liked the e-mail version better--it was laid out very well and easy to read.

  122. I enjoyed the magazine version. It was laid out in a very clean manner and i loved the photos and pretty!!! Thank you for donating to the children. I think it is wonderful :)

  123. I really like the magazine version. Acts more like a real magazine. What a great children's line of fabric and contest by Henry Glass! Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  124. Love the magazine, but the work! Just wondering if it will burn you out down the road.

  125. The magazine style is my favorite. I loved the hearts you made out of fabric. My daughter saw them and I bet she will be making some soon!

  126. Just found your blog, too beautiful and very inspirational. Went through some of the older newsletters and found many inspirational works. So just signed up for the newsletter. Cant decide which version is good, eitherway too good.
    Thank you.

  127. The magazine version is wonderful. But, I do like the email version also, since I save those in "The Noble Wife" folder where I save great things that you have sent out.
    Thanks for great information you provide to us.

  128. The magazine version is terrific but I'm used to the email style and do not like change lol. Plus, if there is something I know I would use over and over again I like to save it in my email folder(s).

  129. Eu amo os dois e recebo seu boletim.Mas a revista é o que há.Feliz ideia a sua,Bençãos.

  130. I seem to be able to manipulate the email version better, but would get better at the magazine version with practice. I loved that I could easily download the free pattern from the magazine version. Thank you for a beautiful, inspiring magazine/newsletter! Happy Valentine's Day!

  131. I liked both versions. The magazine versions was so pretty but the email version was quicker to read. I loved the food items, they looked so good and easy to make.

  132. I like the magazine version best. The whole issue was very lovely, but I think I liked the instructions for Valentine hearts to use in various ways best. Very creative, but easy and fun!

  133. I like the email version better. I like to scroll through them and not have to flip the pages.

  134. I really like the e-mail version. The pictures are really nice. Thanks for the giveaway.

  135. I like the magazine version. I prefer flipping pages to scrolling and scrolling down. My mouse is noisy!!! I'd love to win the giveaway! The book on the cover looks great!! I love to make things with my scraps. I'm working on a #scrappytripalong with my scraps right now. :)

  136. I like the magazine version better- it is easier to read.
    The embroidery is the best.

  137. I liked the magazine version. It was fun to read. Done really good.

  138. I really like the magazine version. I actually like flipping the pages. I subscribe to the online magazine, Bustle and Sew and their version is actually very much like the one you showed.

  139. I like the email version better. It seems easier to operate and easier to look at later too. It could also be because it is more familiar like the blogs I look at.

  140. I prefer the magazine version. Dial-up is just wayyyyy toooooo s-l-o-w!

  141. I would like the email version best because you can always go back to it and read it leisurely.

  142. I like the e-mail version. I find the magazine version hard to read.

  143. I like the email version - and then I can link to the magazine if I want to!

  144. I like the email version best. The magazine is very well done. Just too busy for me. Thanks fog sharing.

  145. Eu gosto da versão e-mail.É prática e rápida.obrigada pela oportunidade! Obrigada por compartilhar!

  146. I like both versions but I've tried to get away from flipping pages in a magazine, so I'd say the e-mail version. Thanks!

  147. I like the magazine version. It looks more organized and with the index I can just flip to that page instead of scrolling up and down to try to find what I'm looking for.

  148. I usually would like the email version, but I think I would rather use the magazine version. It seems more interactive. Thanks for this giveaway! I am a new follower. :)

  149. I love the e-mail version. I always look forward to it. :)

  150. I am living in an area with a really slow internet connection, so the email version is easier for me to open. I really like the article about the "town" fabric line. I like that it is scaled for the small matchbox cars and could be used by a sick child in bed.
    Thanks, Teri

  151. I like the email version too, because it's a much easier link and quick. Beautifully illustrated and seems smooth and perfect without the extra "advertising verbage" on the magazine stylized page with how to navigate their system.
    Thanks for hosting this generous giveaway. Jane

  152. Actually, that's a hard choice! I really like the email version but am so impressed with the magazine that I want it all!! Great job! Thanks for the great giveaway

  153. AND I like the variety in the magazine. Recipes, etc. Just had to add that to my earlier comment.

  154. Great job on your newsletter...WOW. I love both, but the e-mail version is easier for me to print out what I want. Thanks for the giveaway too.

  155. I love the email version, it seems easier. Anything to make life easier! Anything related to quilting is always fun to read, but I like the recipe section. The photographs are wonderful. Great job!

  156. I prefer the magazine version because I like being able to choose the pages from the filmstrip at the bottom. I particularly liked the recipes & the kid section at the back. Thanks for sharing!

  157. I enjoyed both ... but I love the magazine version! I really like Issuu; I've been a member there for a long time and really like the ability to download and save your newsletter!! Plus your layout looked terrific! I could download it and read it at my convenience!! (And save it for future reference!!) Great job!! :)

  158. I love the email version. It is user friendly! I do not care for the magazine version. I like reading about any type of sewing!

  159. I love the email version, but also the magazine, I love that you put a link to the magazine in every email. Either way, Thanks for all the beautiful ideas you share with us. Just love the February, I have to make them all.

  160. No preference here; I really enjoy reading either version. Thanks for the wonderful read!

  161. Really enjoyed the email version since it is so easy to use. Love the variety of ideas you share (and especially those yummy cookie recipes!)

  162. I missed the deadline for the contest, but did want to chime in. Both newsletters are lovely. I prefer the email newsletter so I can "file" it in a folder and find it later. However, when I did not have high speed internet service, newsletters filled with gorgeous pictures were problematic. Would it be possible for your subscribers to choose which to receive, or to choose to have a non-html version? (Or am I making it unnecessarily complicated? If so, please just accept my thanks for all you do, and don't let me complicate your life!)

  163. I like the email version. Thanksnfor the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com
