For the last few years, I haven't had a large vegetable garden, I have just been sticking in my tomato and pepper plants where ever I can fit them amongst the herbs and flowers. It got to be too much work trying to clear the big plot of ground for the vegetable garden every year. And the advantage of having my vegetables with my flowers and herbs is that everything is up near the house, so I can just walk out the kitchen door and grab what I need, instead of having to walk all the way out to the back yard. Plus, since everything is together, it makes watering easier. With tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cilantro, basil, etc. just a few steps outside the back door, it doesn't get much easier or tastier to "pick" myself a salad for lunch each day!
Some cute little baby tomatoes
View from the top of a tomato cage

We have heads and heads of
red leaf lettuce, all of which came up from seed from last year's crop. What a bargain- I didn't even have to buy seeds or plants! And we will save so much money over the next month or so, not having to buy lettuce at the store. This year I will be sure to let some of it go to seed again so hopefully next summer we will have more.
That's about all there is to this year's vegetable garden. We have a lot of different herbs in the garden, and a wonderful farm stand just a mile or so away, so we will be eating well this summer. We are so blessed!
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