Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Little of This, A Little of That

Ok everybody, make sure you head on over to The Robin's Nest for a really super incredible giveaway- Trust me, you're gonna want to get in on this one! Robin has included all kinds of goodies- an apron that she made herself, a couple of cute snowmen, jewelry, soaps, note cards.... wow this is a good one!

Yesterday while "helping" in the studio, Maddie was intrigued by something at the window- a beautiful Cardinal couple. I managed to get the female, but the male was gone by the time I could grab the camera. (The picture is blurry because I took it through the window screen.)
A few minutes later, some nice fat mourning doves came to visit- Maddie liked them, too (she would have preferred to meet them face to face, instead of through the window, but c'est la vie, Maddie.)
I dropped a couple of quilts off to the machine quilter the other day, including this one that I had done a sneak peak for last month... So I will be able to show you that one soon. Sometimes it is frustrating as a designer, because I am working on things all the time, but very often I can't show them until they are done, and I have the pattern published. So even though I might work all day (or 2 or 3, or a whole week), I can't really post it for awhile. It's a bummer to work on something all day, and then in the evening feel like I have nothing to post on! Yesterday and today I worked on a new product which won't debut until the spring... It's so cute and I wish I could show it to you all... But it's a brand new idea in the market and so I really can't until it's completely done and published. Sorry for that teaser (I'm sure it hurts me more than it hurts you- HA HA).

And finally, I received THIS in the mail the other day:
I am 42, people! And this is not a mistake because my husband got one, too, about 6 months ago (thought they did spell my name wrong). What is going on? Sheesh, those "retired people" are aggressive. Maybe they should just start handing their notices out with high school diplomas, or birth certificates.....

So that's it for now. Have a great day.


  1. Hi there...Thank you so much for being part of my giveaway-You know I am crazy in love with all your designs... I can't believe how many quilts you design too...Amazing! I can't wait to see the one in spring.
    Thanks for posting about my giveaway on your blog too!
    I am a couple of years older then you and haven't received anything from AARP! I cannot beleive they have sent you mail already! AAACK!
    Have a great day, I'm getting ready to sew myself!

  2. Well, look at it this way, Jacquelynne: By sending "those" letters out while you are in your mid-40's, they are helping you *ease* into the AARP age so it won't be such a *shock* when you finally do get there! hee-hee
    I love watching for your new designs, but, but, but spring seems like a long way off. sigh

  3. I think we started getting AARP stuff in our mid 40's. When I turned 50 I suggested we join and sew what it brought us. After a year we decided not to bother. We don't travel that much unless it's business trips for my husband so there was no real reason to have a membership. Perhaps there'll come a day when we'll change our minds but don't miss it. Not really retired and with the economy sagging, retirement is a long way off in this household.

  4. Thank you for dropping by.I saw the bird i also love the angel she has on there(might use it)Going to print it out be cute on christmas stocking. Just love your blog.
    big hugs ginger

  5. My daughter, who just turned 6, got one the other day, so don't feel too badly! lol! What is the deal?? Lori



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