Check out the sign on the left- who knew there was such a thing as Drunken Goat Cheese???? And at $17.99 a pound! (Where do they find drunk goats, anyway....

I really have no idea what that vegetable on the far right is, but the peppers sure are pretty.

Next we saw the light show and walked through the Dickens Village inside Macy's (originally Wanamaker's). I remember seeing the same light show at Wanamaker's when I was a kid, some 25 or 30 years ago. We also saw the giant Christmas tree outside of City Hall.
The clock in the background is on City Hall.
Finally, we stopped at the Hyatt on Broad St. to see their display of incredibly life-like wax Santa figures (which are close to life size.) I don't venture into the city much, but it really is kind of magical at Christmas.

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