Monday, August 31, 2009

Another First

Today is the first day of high school for my youngest. It is tradition for photos to be taken every first day of school. It usually goes something like this.... Photos 1 through 10- smiles....
Photos 11 through 25- still smiling.....

Photos 26 through 47- well, you get the point.....
OK so now I have one in college and one in high school- gosh I just don't feel that old!!!!!
So now the house is very quiet again.... this will take some getting used to.... better get busy....


  1. My baby is a Senior in high school this year...I know how you feel!

    Your daughter is beautiful~!

  2. I'm so happy to hear I am not the only mom who insists on the 'first day of school' picture every year for each child! I have 13 such pictures for my oldest who will be starting college on Wednesday, 2 so far for my little guy who is in first grade this year and loving it, and none yet for my 4 yr old. I'm enjoying spending some special time with her during these long quiet school days!

    They pretend to not like it, but later they will cherish those pictures, so don't give in to the rolling eyes!


  3. well, better beguins to work in something and forguet the silence and the emptiness!:)

  4. My youngest started highschool this fall too!!
    Time sure has flown by.



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